LAT 3:04
NYT 2:46
CS 5:12 (Evad)
BEQ 4:48
Holden Baker’s New York Times crossword
The theme is |kān|: Words and phrases that end with that sound spelled five different ways. We have a WALKING CANE (which doesn’t sound “in the language” to me the way cane and walking stick do, but is apparently kosher), COCAINE, CITIZEN KANE, KEY BISCAYNE, and RAISING CAIN. Anyone else get the Bay of Biscay in their head and try BAY BISCAYNE for 11d? No? Just me? Okay. Although KEY BISCAYNE is considerably less well-known than the other theme entries, the puzzle as a whole remains Monday-easy.
- 6d. PINUP, or [Playboy centerfold, e.g.], brings to mind Roger Ebert’s brand-new blog post about nudity, art, the Playboy centerfold photo he included in a previous post about Hef, and American Puritanism. (If you’ll get canned for having a nude photo on your screen at work, don’t open those links at your desk.) Like so much that Roger writes, it’s a good read.
- 42a. [W.W. II admiral Chester] is the NIMITZ who’s the namesake of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.
- 50a. [Mick Jagger and bandmates, informally] are the STONES. My husband just bought the Kindle edition Keith Richards’ autobiography, Life, to read on our iPad. It’s ballsy to call one’s memoirs Life, no?
- I like the 4d/5d combo, the IRKSOME CLIQUE.
- 24d. I think of [Showy flowers] as big blooms, like peonies, not little blossoms like PHLOX.
- 29d. Does anyone like the clue [Fat as ___] A PIG? The Cruciverb database lists other clues for this answer: [“Like putting lipstick on ____”] is good. I like [“In ___’s eye!”]. [Make ____ of oneself (overeat)] is okay. [Like ___ in a poke] is solid, but repeats the word “a.” I like all those options better than the clue used here. The clue after this one is [Nervous as ___] A CAT, and that one doesn’t resonate for me at all. I suppose the editor or constructor liked the “[(adjective) as ___] (animal)” pairing, but…meh.
- 36d. Needed lots of crossings for [War chief Black Horse’s tribe], COMANCHE, but luckily the crossings didn’t fight me.
Gail Grabowski’s Los Angeles Times crossword
I do not dispute that the word RAH (69a: [One of the 64-Across], 64a being THREE CHEERS) is a legitimate word, found in the dictionaries of record. I do question whether anyone has cheered on a team or an individual by shouting “Rah!” at any time in the last 40 years. Is there a cheerleader in the house who can attest to the use of RAH? Bah!
Three long theme answers include a hidden RAH:
- 17a. BARBARA HALE played [TV’s Della Street for nearly 40 years]. I started with BARBARA BAIN because quite honestly, I wouldn’t recognize Barbara Hale if her heyday self walked up and introduced herself.
- 27a. [School assignment that may elicit groans] clues EXTRA HOMEWORK. I don’t think this phrase constitutes a lexical chunk of meaning in its own right. I think it’s s imply adjective+noun and scarcely any better a crossword entry than, say, GREEN T-SHIRT.
- 48a. ORCHESTRA HALL is a common name for a [Symphony venue].
Answer that moves this puzzle beyond the realm of Monday-puzzle simplicity:
- 29d. [Silly] clues TOMFOOLISH. I know tomfoolery and tomfool, but this word? I’ve never seen it.
Accurate yet outdated clue:
- 3d. Sure, an AFRO was a [Woodstock hair style]. But I am weary of crossword clues that suggest that the Afro is a hairstyle of yore. I’m telling ya, I see plenty of Afros in Chicago. The style has undergone a renaissance since the ’90s.
Randall J. Hartman’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post puzzle, “Sizing Things Up”—Evad’s review
I thought this to be somewhat of an odd theme, 3 phrases that begin with something one would use to measure something. (It reminds me of those obscure $25,000 Pyramid categories that would always be at the top of the pyramid…”Things used to measure other things.”) Let’s pull out our calipers and see how these entries measure up:
- “Lionel product” is a SCALE MODEL TRAIN. Hmmm…I think a model train is a phrase, and I know they come in different scales, so I guess this one is ok.
I think of the scales of justice when I think of scales. Oh, and the astrological sign Libra. I read here that pets who are born under this sign are supposed to be well behaved and submissive. Does that ring true with your experience? Did you even know that pets have horoscopes?
- Another term for a “prodigious homer” is a TAPE MEASURE SHOT. Hmmm…again, not a phrase that rings a strong bell for me, but I get the concept of long homers being measured. Fenway Park’s “Green Monster,” though high as outfield walls go, is a relatively close 310 feet from the home plate.
- RULER OF THE WORLD puts me in a mind of Mike Myers as Dr. Evil. What do you think?
As in some other recent CS themes I’ve commented on, this one suffers from entries in which some of the theme words are used
in the sense of the title (TAPE MEASURE here), but others are not (SCALE, though a measurement of the track the train runs on is not a scale that weighs something and RULER in its phrase has nothing to do with measurement).
A couple of other quick hits:
- Inspired to have “Leno and Romano” clue LAST NAME with “Jay or Ray” cluing ALER right next door.
- I read “Easter flower” (LILY) as “Easter follower” and slapped in LENT, having the initial L in place, and despite the fact that LENT precedes Easter instead of following it. D’oh!
- Can anyone help me with my OLEO/OLIO dysfunction? I always forget which is which.
Brendan Quigley’s blog crossword, “Themeless Monday”
I have about two minutes to blog this puzzle, so here goes:
- SWEET JANE, CAMERA-SHY, IN A PICKLE stack; great-looking word SCIMITAR; spoken-language “WANT TO GO?”; IRAN-IRAQ as a descriptor for that war of yore; SNEEZE as a hide-and-sick giveaway; TLA, the three-letter abbreviation for “three-letter abbreviation” (no idea if this is “in the language” outside of crosswords—anyone?).
- Mystery moment: HACK-A-SHAQ, which I’d never heard of.
- Dislikes: Extra OK (OKS, DID OK); TRESS at the bottom (rule: any mention of “locks” in the bottom or rightmost row/column of a crossword will be TRESSES).
Dang, that was closer to 10 minutes. Gotta run!
you know, i had the same misgivings about WALKING CANE, but i don’t want to get a whole stick-vs-cane thing started. this was an unusually lively monday puzzle, i thought. i liked the scrabbliness, although i could have done without PHLOX if the cost was LXI.
NYT comments:
I’m disappointed that there was no room for DAVE KOEHN, the radio play-by-play commentator for University of Virginia athletics. OK, I’ll admit that’s obscure even to a lot of Virginians… :-)
I took the weekend advice from Anne and/or Amy and completed three or four answers with expected fill without looking at clues (best example: IRKSOME after having the “IRKS” opening). It worked! Of course, it was a Monday puzzle…I’ll see how adventuresome I get later in the week.
Those who measure for a living, including architects and machinists, use scales more than rulers. You’ve seen 3-sided scales in Office Depot, but may not have paid attention, unless you do mechanical drawing. A 6-inch steel scale (you would call it a little ruler) is in the breast pocket of virtually every machinist. Lionel doesn’t make “Scale models”, they make toy trains.
Once again, I could not figure out the CS theme, even with the title. I’d like to think that it’s because I’m becoming more of a speed solver (per the awesome discussion Saturday), but I think I’m just becoming more oblivious. o.O Without the write-up, I’d be lost! Thanks, Evad!
NYT: Doesn’t SEEM like a grid that needs 3 A ___ answers, but sure am being a touch harsh. Otherwise, fine, not much to jump out of one’s seat at.
LAT: Had a couple of missteps that made this (for me) a tough Monday! 35D: put in HALE, which I crossed with 34A: OUCH. 40D went THORAX/AIRWAY/AIRSAC. Love THREECHEERS as an ending entry, but none of the RAH-hiding entries really grabbed me either… SOUTHKOREA spanning two theme entries is great, but its partner TOMFOOLISH is weird to me too, what does the “tom” part add to the sense? Oh and I want to see DATER in that sense in a sentence please… Anyone?
NYT – Nobody in South Florida should have had a problem with KEY BISCAYNE, I’d expect.
BEQ – Having only the last A made me try HACK O’NEAL, which kept me out of that area for too long.
Follow-up comment on BEQ puzzle: I loved HACK-A-SHAQ. At least among pro basketball fans that phrase is familiar. Several years ago, an ad for some sports beverage featuring Mr. O’Neal playfully mocked his historic inaccuracy at the free throw line. Does anyone know if he improved that deficiency over time?
Re walking cane: Google Root Cellar String Band and play the UTube video of “Hand Me Down My Walking Cane.” Amy, I think you will like it! LAT took longer than NYT. Now that house guests and trick or treaters have gone their way, finally had a chance to read the fascinating Saturday discussion on solving. Want to add my thanks to Amy and Anne for sharing thought processes.
Take away my high hats
Take away my favorite tie
Take away my white spats
I’ll still get by
But my walking stick
You simply must let that be
I mean you can’t take that away from me
Without my walking stick, I’d go insane
Can’t look my best, I’d feel undressed without my cane
Must have my walking stick ’cause it may rain
And when it pours, can’t be outdoors without my cane
If I ever left my house without my walking stick
It would just be something I could never explain
The thing that makes me click on Lovers’ Lane
Would go for naught if I were caught without my cane
–Irving Berlin (1938)
Ergo, walking stick = cane? A stick sure isn’t a walking cane.
(nb: My reference version for this is Leon Redbone’s, from his 1975 debut. Michigan J. Frog is on the cover.)
Pannonica, my husband once impersonated Michigan J. Frog for our outgoing answering machine message. My dad made his coworkers call to hear it, and once someone with a wrong number redialed to call back and leave an appreciative message.
“Hello, my darling
Hello, my baby
Hello, my ragtime gal
Send me your love by wire
Baby, my heart’s on fire.”
See what you get when you Google “Hand Me Down My Walking Cane”.