David Kahn’s New York Times crossword
The theme tells a joke in its clues and answers. In short, a woman goes TO SEE A NEW DOCTOR and spots her high school name in the DIPLOMA ON THE WALL. Excuse me, but what doctor posts his or her high school diploma on the wall?? Possibly college, definitely med school, definitely the certificates for residencies and fellowships and for any professional honors and certifications. Not high school! Just…no. Anyway, the doc has THE SAME NAME as the patient’s high-school crush, but he’s JUST AVERAGE LOOKING, balding and gray, not a hottie. She thought he looked too old to be her CLASSMATE but asked “WHEN DID YOU GRADUATE?” “1971,” he replies; “WHY DO YOU ASK?” “YOU WERE IN MY CLASS!” she exclaims. “WHAT DID YOU TEACH?” he asked. So apparently each one thinks the other looks ridiculously old and is simultaneously unaware of their own oldness.
Might’ve been nice to have the doctor be female and the patient be male, or to have them be the same sex. Who likes a punch line that hinges on “Ha! She looks old!”?
I didn’t really notice a whole lot elsewhere in the puzzle to remark on. Herewith, a few comments:
- 102d. Tom [Cruise lines?] are found in a SCRIPT.
- 88d. Apparently one TY MURRAY is/was a [Nine-time world champion rodeo cowboy]. Never heard of him. Checking via Google…is, not was. He’s 41 but retired. Gotta love a Wikipedia bio flagged with the “weasel words” warning.
- 66d. When you read the clue [Say “I do” again], did you fill in RENEW, as in renewing vows? I sure did. But the answer is REWED. Strange-looking word. “Remarry” is the word people use.
- 2d. PEONAGE is [Some servitude]. This word doesn’t get much use anymore.
- 8d. RADNOR is the home of [TV Guide’s Pennsylvania headquarters]. The unincorporated area’s Wikipedia write-up doesn’t mention TV Guide. Wait, wrong Radnor. It’s Radnor Township, population 30,000. Boo on small-town crossword fill!
Merl Reagle’s syndicated/Philadelphia Inquirer crossword, “Keep It Moving”—Jeffrey’s review
Theme: GO on. “GO” is added to phrases, with knee-slapping results.
Theme answers:
- 23A. [What the producers of “Frida” said when they finally found someone to play her artist husband?] – THE DIEGO IS CAST. Alfred Molina played Diego Rivera in the movie “Frida”.
- 31A. [Practices for a dance contest?] – WORKS ON ONE’S TANGO. George Hamilton was on “Dancing With The Stars” and has worked on both his tan and his tango.
- 47A. [Daffy Duck’s favorite game?] – LOONY BINGO. Who can forget the classic Daffy Duck quote, “I can’t stand pain, it hurts me!”
- 53A. [Fun-loving percussionists?] – BONGO VIVANTS
- 69A. [What it says on Donald Trump’s money?] – EGO PLURIBUS UNUM. On the Canadian version of The Apprentice, the tag line is “I’m terribly sorry, but your services are no longer required.”
- 87A. [Eastern North Dakota?] – THE FARGO SIDE
- 90A. [Spanish cabbie’s query?] – WHERE, AMIGO?
- 101A. [Whom Chiquita Banana can’t resist?] – SWEET TALKIN’ MANGO
- 118A. [Words preceding “… and have Samoa fun”?] – COME TO PAGO PAGO. Groan-groan.
Other stuff:
- 1A. [Actress Gibbs who played the Jeffersons’ maid] – MARLA. Keep it Movin’ On Up!
- 6A. [VP before Agnew] – HHH. Harold Hornswoggle Humidity.
- 12A. [After some delay] – AT LAST
- 57A. [Singer Ives] – BURL
- 61A. [Word in the names of two baseball teams] – SOX. Medicine Hat Green Sox and Come-by-Chance Blue Sox.
- 62A. [Bottled spirit] – GENIE
- 95A. [___ Robinson] – MRS
- 100A./108A. [Green Bay great] BART STARR. I am rooting for Green Bay this weekend, because I hate the Steelers.
- 121A. [Saturnalias] – ORGIES. I just did an old Merl puzzle with the theme answer ORGY COPTER. Wanna guess the clue? The prize is either one year’s subscription to this site or two tickets to next year’s Super Bowl—Amy’s choice. Unless Amy wins.
- 7D. [Broadway hit of 2003] – HAIRSPRAY
- 8D. [“___ monster, Gaston, you are!” (“Beauty and the Beast”)] – HE’S NO. I just played “Gaston” so let’s pick another song.
- 11D. [Singer Lenya] – LOTTE. I know this from “Mack the Knife.”
- 29D. [Strong ___] – AS A NOX. Nothing is stronger than a nox.
- 34D. [“___ Little Tenderness”] – TRY A
- 35D. [She played Lilith on “Cheers”] – BEBE
- 36D. [Golf club choices] – IRONS. Yes, Jeremy is an excelllent golf club.
- 54D. [Denny’s rival] – IHOP. In my limited experience, IHOP is always the better choice, except in Bellingham, Washington, where the IHOP service sucks.
- 76D. [Broadway hit of 1980] – EVITA
- 81D. [Britain’s House ___] – OF COMMONS. Canada has one too. 3.4.
- 88D. [Inventor’s middle name] – ALVA. Alexander Alva Bell.
- 99D. [Siam visitor] – ANNA. She went there to sing.
- 106D. [Nuts (over)] – GAGA. Obvious artist choice. Paul Anka.
Henry Hook’s Boston Globe Crossword, “Noel” – Sam Donaldson’s review
Remember the previous Sunday when I mentioned that we use the syndicated version of the BG crossword that runs about five or six weeks behind? Turns out that matters again this week, as Hook gives us a pseudo-Christmas theme. The name given to this crossword (shown above, in case you missed it) is the answer to the “definition” set forth in the theme entries: CHRISTMAS REFRAIN / THAT DESCRIBES / WHAT MAKES / THIS CROSSWORD / NOT QUITE A PANGRAM.
Sure enough, if you break the name of this crossword into two parts of the same size, you have a two-word description of its key feature; that is, the character that comes between K and M is nowhere to be found in the entire grid. Given how common that character is in everyday words, this is quite an impressive feat! What’s more, the grid does contain every other character from A to Z. As the kids today say, “That’s just sick.”
To honor Hook’s achievement, then, this post does the same thing–you won’t find the character missing from Hook’s grid anywhere in the body of this write-up. (That means you’re in for a short post.) It’s going to be hard to describe some of the hints used to assist in writing the correct words into the grid, as they do not avoid the missing character. But I am determined to find a way, so here goes. Here were some of my favorite entries and hints:
I didn’t know that KARAOKE means […”empty orchestra“]. When I sing karaoke, it means “empty room” within a few seconds. My go-to tunes are “Copacabana” and my theme song, “I’m Too Sexy.”
- [They know what you’re thinking] is a coy hint for PSYCHICS. It’s reminiscent of the oft-heard joke, “My psychic phoned to set a make-up session because, she said, I was going to miss my next appointment.” Did you know I was going to refer to that joke? If so, you might consider a career as a medium–but not if you’re a different size.
- Some great phrases from everyday conversation make the grid shine–consider GOOD AIM, the [Marksman’s asset], SAY GRACE, OH GEE, IT’S A DATE, AT ONCE, and HISSED AT.
- RHETOR, hinted in part as a […speaking master], is new to me, and I do a fair amount of speaking in my job.
- [“Quercus” members] are OAK TREES. The use of quotation marks made me think Quercus was the name of some story, perhaps about horses. Oops, that’s “Equus.” Turns out Quercus is the genus of which oaks are a part.
- I’m not sure I’d use REANIMATORS to describe [Dr. Frankenstein, (and others)]. Having the start and end squares set here, I started to write REINCARNATORS into the grid, and just the thought of doing so made me cringe. And yet REANIMATORS doesn’t seem much better–I find it just as awkward.
- This may make me a persona non grata with Duke grads, but my first answer to [Durham sch.] was UNC, not the correct UNH (University of New Hampshire). I ask their forgiveness.
- When I saw [Nimbus], my first thought was of Harry Potter’s quidditch broom. Then, for reasons unknown to me, I thought of the puffy white things in the sky. In time (quite a bit of time, to be candid), I discovered it’s AURA.
Hey, any grid that can boast the WWE’s John CENA, the MIRAGE resort in Vegas, [Commader Riker’s portrayer] Jonathan FRAKES, a SEAHAWK (shout out to my home team!), a DWEEB, and James Bond’s best nemesis, AURIC, is tops with me.
I suppose the highest praise I can give this crossword is that I first noticed the missing character just as I was finishing it. The entries seemed very fresh and no portion of grid came across as forced, so it took some time for the theme to sink in with me. Hook’s gift, as mentioned before on this site, is his prowess in making tough constructions appear easy.
Frequent readers know that I have no issue with entries containing just part of a phrase, but I am pretty sure I’m in the minority on that point. No doubt some might kvetch about the fact that there are eight such entries here: ME SO (from the center of a phrase and not from the start of one, thank heavens), A FIRST, EYE TO, HIT THE, AS ABC, WANT A, TWO TO, and A KIND. Yes, that’s more than you see in the ordinary Sunday-sized grid. But when you’re trying to avoid a certain character that gets a significant amount of use in day-to-day speech, this kind of compromise is within reason.
Whew! We made it! Even though this post is about 15% shorter than most BG write-ups, it took about 40% more time to write. Having the entire range of characters on hand for next week’s post might just make it easier for both writer and reader. See you then!
Bob Klahn’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post puzzle, “Sunday Challenge”—Evad’s review
I was delighted to see constructor Bob Klahn‘s byline on this “Sunday Challenge.” It wasn’t always this way; I once dreaded his gnarly creations, but now I feel I’ve reached somewhat of a truce with his original cluing and unusual entries and am not as flummoxed as I once was. Either that, or he’s laying off the hot sauce and lightening up on us! Either way, this one was a lot of fun to solve.
Let’s start with a couple of the longer entries:
- [They’re impossible to find] clues the elusive HEN’S TEETH. It seems scientists in the UK have determined that hen’s teeth aren’t nearly as rare as once thought. Chew on that one for a while!
- The rather longish clue [“Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes,” a.k.a. “Fleas” in its entirety (world’s shortest poem?)] is from Ogden Nash: ADAM / HAD ‘EM. There’s an interesting discussion here on whether that poem continues to hold this honor.
- [Sound from a shoehorn?] for FOOTNOTE is inspired…I wonder if a shoehorn is best featured in sole music?
- The OZONE LAYER is a [Holey protector], playing on a homophone of holy. Holey rusted metal, Batman!
There’s always a lot of alliteration to look forward to in Bob’s clues, [Movie monster’s milieu, maybe] is MARSH (starting with yet another M!), [Chichester chum] is MATEY, [Frivolus funds] is the also alliterative MAD MONEY, [Party person?] is ANIMAL, [Clairvaux cleric] is ABBE and [Subtly spiteful] is CATTY. We’re usually treated to a few rhyming clues as well, [Cold mold] for ASPIC seems to be the only one I can find today.
Some final random thoughts:
- I wonder if the phrase SO LOW ([Like the “Down in the Valley” valley]) is justifiable as a stand-alone phrase. What do you think?
- The “catbird SEAT” refers to an enviable position of advantage and dates back to 1942.
- [Man of the world] is ATLAS. “He’s got the whole world in his hands…”
- I keep thinking the word “mendicant” is related to telling tall tales or “mendacity.” They seem to have a similar Latin root, but the former is related to being in need (or here, a PANHANDLER). Perhaps a person who is mendacious is in need of the truth!
[Plain toast] had me thinking breakfast, but it’s just the simple CHEERS when lifting a glass.
- The Nice in [Nice life] is pronounced “niece,” and the answer VIE also shortens the long i to “vee.”
- The original Lola in Damn Yankees was GWEN Verdon, wife of choreographer Bob Fosse.
- Nice literary confluence with James JOYCE crossing Joseph Conrad‘s LORD JIM at the J.
- And I leave you with [Carnival game with markers] or BEANO. Hmmm, there is something else with that name, but I can’t for the life of me remember it, I seem to have run out of gas.
Mike Peluso’s syndicated Los Angeles Times crossword, “Subtraction”
This puzzle takes a neutral stance by subtracting an ION from (mostly) familiar phrases to create the theme entries:
- 23a. [“Most Difficult Woman” pageant title?] is MISS IMPOSSIBLE. Cute rework of Mission: Impossible.
- 35a. [What Nadia Comaneci gave her Olympic opponents?] is a TENS HEADACHE.
- 57a. [Batch of itch reliever?] is a CALAMINE LOT.
- 79a. [Native American Washington baseballer?] clues CHEROKEE NAT.
- 99a. [Timeless witticism?] is a PERPETUAL MOT. I like this one best.
- 118a. [Deal between thugs?] is a MUSCLE CONTRACT.
- 16d. [Restrictions on Cupid?] is EROS CONTROL. “Erosion control” strikes me as boring. I would have liked to see PORT CONTROL, with either a fortified wine or seaport setting.
- 69d. [Number in an Amtrak report?] is a RAILWAY STAT. Slightly off-kilter, as most people call ’em “train stations.”
I liked the theme but so much of the fill went in on autopilot. Easy puzzle, no? At least for long-time solvers, who see [Weasel cousin] and put in STOAT right away. (That’s not normal. It’s a sure sign of a cruciverbified cerebrum.)
Five clues:
- 25a. [Establish a new foothold] clues REROOT. Please commit yourself to using that word three times in conversation this week. What? You don’t think you can?
- 64a. [Sm., med. or lge.] isn’t cluing some weird abbreviation for “size,” it’s cluing ADJ., short for “adjective.”
- 72a. [Anglican church officials] are BEADLES. If you asked the average American the difference between BEADLES and STOATS, I think you’d get a blank stare in reply.
- 67d. MESCAL is clued as [Maguey plant liquor]. Sounds trippy.
- 47d. A Teenage Mutant NINJA Turtle is [One of a reptilian comics quartet].
Karen Tracey’s Washington Post crossword, “Post Puzzler No. 44”
Standard Karen Tracey puzzle:
- Sparkling, fresh fill with lots of Scrabbly action.
- Zero partials, and just one fill-in-the-blank clue.
The cluing was easier overall than I was expecting, and my solving time was faster than usual for a Post Puzzler. I did have an error from a dreaded baseball name whose crossings I didn’t check when I got the long answers around it. I was misremembering from past crosswords that 37a: [All-Star Toronto pitcher Dave who threw a no-hitter on September 2, 1990] started with STA (STAE* or STAU*, I was thinking), so when the crossings filled in 33d, I never looked to see that NAA made no sense but NIA Vardalos did ([Loser to Pedro for Best Original Screenplay of 2002]).
The “wow, that’s great” stuff:
- 1a. [Bandleader for the original recording of “All I Want for Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)”] is SPIKE JONES. Not to be confused with director Spike Jonze.
- 20a. CLINIQUE is a [Big name in skin care] and a cooler answer than OLAY.
- 31a. LARRY KING gets cross-gender action with [Voicer of ugly stepsister Doris in three “Shrek” movies]. Looks like a verb: I larryk, I’m larryking, I larryked yesterday, I have larryken. You know what word I came across in the dictionary yesterday (while looking up NYT 3-D Word Hunt answers)? Grutten. Erstwhile past participle of “greet.” Have you grutten your child today?
- 42a. To CATECHIZE is to [Question thoroughly].
- 6d. [2008 March Madness champions] were the Kansas JAYHAWKS.
- 8d. Favorite clue: [Drew in kids’ books] isn’t a verb phrase about defacing books, it’s girl detective NANCY Drew.
- 12d. [Johnny Cash concert venue of February 1969] is SAN QUENTIN prison. Speaking of prison, one of my Facebook friends is doing a speaking tour at women’s prisons with a fascinating perspective; check out Deborah Jiang Stein’s video here.
- 23d. Second favorite clue: [Bit of a jerk?] for a muscle TWITCH.
- 25d, 26d. Super-lively fill! A BLOCK PARTY ([Neighborly get-together]) beside a BAHAMA MAMA ([Tropical drink]).
- 29d. The puzzle is talking to us and it says “I GET BY.” [“It’s enough to live on”].
- 38d. [High pitch that might hurt your ear?] is a great clue for a colorful baseball term, BEAN BALL.
The achievement of the diploma is unspecified…
But if it weren’t his high school diploma, she’d ask where he went to high school, not what year he graduated.
A woman went TO SEE A NEW DOCTOR. In his office, she noticed a DIPLOMA ON THE WALL. She remembered having a high-school crush on a handsome, dark-haired boy with THE SAME NAME. However, this man was balding, gray-haired and JUST AVERAGE-LOOKING. Nevertheless, she asked him if he had attended her high school, and after he said yes, she asked WHEN DID YOU GRADUATE? He answered “In 1971. But WHY DO YOU ASK? The woman exclaimed “YOU WERE IN MY CLASS!” He looked at her closely, then asked “WHAT DID YOU TEACH?”
Who takes the time to read the clues?
More concerning is that she’s seeing a doctor whose name she doesn’t know until she spots it on the wall.
Now there you have a point!
She knew she was seeing Dr. Smith. She only learned from the diploma that his whole name was Jebediah Springfield Smith.
This is like picking apart the plot of a porn movie. Or the dialog. Or the acting.
Martin, Martin, and what do you know about pornographic movies! Tsk, tsk!
Martin knows about everything.
It made me laugh in the way punchlines do. I don’t think of Michigan as a Midwest state, so had Lincoln there for the longest time and nothing went with it.
zulema, i could think of nothing but LARAMIE, even though (a) that’s not the midwest! and (b) that’s not the capital! just … brain slowness tonight.
Did somebody say porn movie? I need to take another look at that crossword. I realize that ENEMA made it into a puzzle today, and it’s good to see the Times breaking new ground.
I thought the Kahn puzzle was terrific. Brings back memories of the one h.s. reunion I did attend, our 25th. I recognized many names, but the amazing thing was, everyone’s parents showed up.
The way modern medicine works, it’s not a surprise to see a new doctor and not know who it is till you arrive. Sometimes, it’s either that or wait two weeks to see your regular doctor. It’s happened to me.
Finished with INTER for “Put down.” Guess I saw a ? at the end of that clue.
Sam, I applaud your ability to eschew the letter L in your post… when you were forced to say “the character between K and M” I knew what you were up to and was hoping this would be another quiz so that I might win a renewal of my annual membership to the site.
Now I guess I’ll just have to work off the fee in sweat equity. *sighs*
Evad – you’re on your way, though. I appreciate your discussion of mendicant/mendacity. I always think of the one that it isn’t first (beggar or fibber), so reading more about it may help it stick in my mind. Thanks!
I did not like today’s puzzle – possibly the first Kahn I haven’t really enjoyed. Theme was disappointing (I was expecting it to be funny) and the fill was meh. “PEONAGE”? And a double or triple clue-referring-to-clue thing? Not fun.
“[“Quercus” members] are OAK TREES. The use of quotation marks made me think Quercus was the name of some story, perhaps about horses. Oops, that’s “Equus.” Turns out Quercus is the genus of which oaks are a part.”
Editorial style apparently changes, depending on the provider of the puzzle. In the original BG version, Quercus was italicized.
HH – thanks for that clarification; the quotation marks confused me too, and I hadn’t taken more time to figure out why.
Bravo, Sam. I was wondering why HH didn’t eschew the letter L in the clues… guess if “Noel” weren’t in the first theme clue, “puzzle” or “title” would have been.
NYT: XWordInfo has this an an extremely “un-fresh” fill, but I guess the cluing was good, because I wouldn’t have noticed. I only knew TY MURRAY because he was on Dancing With The Stars. So Will Shortz appears on How I Met Your Mother last year, gets fawned over by the lead character played by Josh RADNOR, and chooses an obscure town for today’s clue instead? Burn!
Newsday solvers alert: there’s an error in the answer key today. Sigh.
Re: the Sunday NYT….I was hoping for something more romantic – why does a crossword have to end in a joke? Why can’t it end in a love forlorn or eternal companionship? Like Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne”?
Snow’s turning into rain here, John E.
Keeping on with the 70s song references,
“Sittin’ downtown in a railway station, one toke over the line.”
— Messrs. Brewer & Shipley.
That’s their big hit song from the crossword-ready-but—alas—too-obscure 1970 album TARKIO. Makes a moderately compelling case for LAT 69d as being “in the language”?
Kudos to Henry Hook and Sam Donaldson for a well-crafted puzzle and a clever review. Also liked Merl’s go-go puzzle. Ego pluribus unum is my favorite.
Evad, I’ll join your troop as becoming less intimidated by the Bob Klahn signature on a puzzle. Two writeovers today: war chant before war cloud; tuna salad before tuna on rye. I liked the puzzle and thought “so low” was just fine for 5A.
The NYT did not put up much resistance, but because the joke is so old I didn’t care for the puzzle.
The Sunday NYT puzzle’s theme, a quip about looking older than you think, can only be apprecieated by those of us approaching our sixties and seventies. I liked it!
I didn’t care for the puzzle at all. For a long time, I was simply wondering why the theme entries were so boring, without any puns or tricks, just banal phrases. Finally, I saw that the joke came at the end, but then I found it really lame. It didn’t help me either that she didn’t know her doctor’s name, and don’t diplomas have dates? (Maybe it was in Latin, and her Latin stinks, was all I could think of.) And who in the world hangs his high-school diploma, much less a doctor in his office?
There was also some fill to make this work that didn’t appeal to me in the names: the bandleader, a couple of golfers, RADNOR, and the cluster or TWAY, TY MURRAY, and ELYSE. I guess it was marginally less likely that she was Elise than that his last name was Murrai. (Odd, but I don’t recall the Sondheim musical either.)
About that bald, average-looking doctor…
The diploma on the wall must be a medical diploma, otherwise she could read the name of the HS and the graduation date on it. Furthermore, no doctor displays one’s HS anything.
My beef is that there are so many flaws with the theme dialog that it’s downright comical. Look, it’s not a 400 page novel where one can find a handful on plot inconsistencies. It’s one paragraph that was culled, where every letter is weighed.
It may become the first puzzle theme made into a film. Wouldn’t that be fun… or not.