People of Fiendland! Did you hear that Marbles: The Brain Store is hosting
three four crossword tournaments on Saturday, April 28? If you live near any of these locations, come on down—and tip off your fellow crossword fiends in the area:
- Chicago—in the Grand Avenue store in downtown Chicago, IL
- The Twin Cities—in the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN
- Baltimore/DC/Virginia-ish—in Columbia, MD, at the Mall of Columbia.
- Philadelphia—in the King of Prussia Mall, King of Prussia, PA
These tournaments offer a more low-key but still convivial environment than the ACPT. Registration is cheap ($15 before April 15, $25 thereafter) and benefits the Alzheimer’s Association. There’ll be up to 50 people at each tournament, with Monday to Wednesday NYT crosswords for the main event and the Thursday NYT for the finals.
Stores in San Francisco Centre and the Topanga Mall in Canoga Park will be the next to open! Inching closer to you, Jared.
Please note that many of those squares in the “crossword tournament” logo are unchecked, however.
Don’t forget Crosswords LA! A month from tomorrow (May 12)
i realize it’s consistent with the logo and all, but i really have a thing against lowercase letters as crossword fill (unless of course there’s a gimmick behind it).