NYT 16:06 (pannonica)
LAT 9:08 (Jeffrey)
Reagle 7:34
Hex/Hook untimed (pannonica)
WaPo Doug – untimed
CS 13:19 (Sam)
Celebrity untimed
Tracy Gray’s New York Times crossword, “Infractions” — pannonica’s review
Nothing out of bounds here, despite the title. Instead, the theme plays on phrases with (mostly) ordinal numbers, but expressed “in fractions.” Literally, as unit fractions with the integer/numerator “ONE” appearing above various integers/denominators in the grid. I’ve gone ahead and circled the relevant squares.
From greatest to smallest, there are:
- 105a. [With 112-Across, compromise] MEET ONEWAY, with the ONE above TWO, resulting in MEET ½WAY, i.e., MEET HALFWAY.
- 23a. [With 26-Across, like grandchildren] ONE/THREE GENERATION = ⅓ GENERATION → THIRD-GENERATION.
- 33a. [With 44-Across, execute, in a way] DRAW AND ONE/FOUR, DRAW AND ¼ → DRAW AND QUARTER. Can’t tell you how long I was stuck on draw and fourth/draw and forth(?).
- 71a. [With 77-Across, high-end retail chain] SAKS ONE/FIVE AVENUE → SAKS FIFTH AVENUE.
- 94a. [With 103-Across, 1999 Shyamalan thriller] THE ONE/SIX SENSE → THE SIXTH SENSE.
- 45a. [With 50-across, euphoric] IN ONE/SEVEN HEAVEN → IN SEVENTH HEAVEN.
- 122a. [With 127-Across, classical work that’s the source of the European Union’s anthem] BEETHOVEN’S ONE/NINE → BEETHOVEN’S NINTH. Specifically, the “Ode to Joy” of the final movement. That’s Beethoven’s Ninth, in DMINOR, Op. CXXV.
So, with the exception of the special terms half and quarter, the original phrases and names contain ordinal numbers. Eighth is missing, but considering the challenge of constructing such a grid (and that there’s little to choose from in the way of base phrases with eighth), that’s easily overlooked. Of course, it would have been fun to have that, and a ONE/ONE for something like the whole enchilada or the whole shebang, considering the naming flexibility that’s exhibited. Anyway, it took me a while to twig to the theme (got it with meet halfway), but once I did, I had a bunch of ONEs just itching to be filled in. Despite that, I still had a slightly longer than usual Sunday time for my solve. I really enjoyed the mix of fresh fill, less-common words that aren’t crosswordese, and playful cluing, all in appropriate measures. That’s what should comprise big Sundays.
- 21a [Pacific strings] UKULELES, all spelled out and not causing a fuss (see Friday), except for those who only want it spelled ukeleles.
- 22a [Fine word for libraries?] OVERDUE. Be that way.
- 13a [Student of morality] CASUIST. Casuistry (n.): 1: a resolving of specific cases of conscience, duty, or conduct through interpretation of ethical principles or religious doctrine. It also has sense 2: specious argument : rationalization. (both from m-w).
- (And all that was just in the top two rows.)
- Favorite clue: 87a [They’re fit for kings and queens] SHEETS. Brilliant, because it makes double use of fit, as in fitted sheets.
- The long-but-blah ENLISTEES gets a fun, rhyming clue [New faces on bases] (46d).
- 91a, 104a [What’s left behind] ESTATE, [What’s left] REST.
- Most trite clue/answer: 42d [ __ mission] ON A. Another partial, [ __ same mind] for the ultradull OF THE is a close second. There are more partials to be found in the puzzle, a few too many for my liking.
- Anatomy! 48a [Ankle bone] TARSAL, 52d [Venae __ ] CAVAE, 93d [Colored parts] AREOLAS, 95d [Bonelike] OSTEOID, 100d [Like a nasal membrane] SEPTAL (not, you will note, septic). Some of those are a bit unusual, which leads us to…
- ARISTAE, a bit of floral anatomy (75a) [Botanical beards], and more esoterica: 59d [Glacial formation] ESKER. 79d [Fisher with a grig] EELER; does that profession not have some of the oddest and most entertaining terminology? 48d [Gherman __, cosmonaut who was the second human to orbit the Earth] TITOV. PIXY (unannounced var.).
- Redundant, or am I being too picky: 10d [Et __ (and others)] ALII, 88d [And everything else, for short] ETC.
- Some fill highlights: 92d [Colonial service] TINWARE. 80a [Political party that won 39 electoral votes in 1948] DIXIECRAT (aka the segregationist States’ Rights Democratic Party); 49d [Jobs for dentists] ABSCESSES (don’t think that will go over well with breakfast-time solvers); 89d [Death personified, in ancient Greece] THANATOS (crosses the Greeky THRACE).
- 109 [Cousin of rust] OCHRE. With the O and perhaps E in place, I plunked in OXIDE, even though it doesn’t quite fit the clue. Definitely took the bait.
Overall, clever theme and a good puzzle, but I wonder if some solvers will say there were too many strange words in it.
Mike Shenk’s Washington Post crossword, “The Post Puzzler No. 108” – Doug’s review
Hey, crossword fans. Doug here. I’m a little tired tonight because I was DASHing around all day. We had spectacular weather, a beautiful venue (UCLA campus), and a passel of fun, clever puzzles to solve. Can’t ask for much more. The next big puzzle event in Southern California is the 4th annual Crosswords LA tournament on May 12th. Check the website for a details and a bonus puzzle by yours truly.
Typically solid grid by Mike Shenk today. I solved this one a while back, so I don’t remember if there were any particularly thorny crossings. The stacks in the NE and SW are particularly fun. Look around: stark naked Nicki Minaj goes native.
- 28a. [Summer specialty] – DISCO. Donna Summer, of course. Great clue.
- 32a. [Free of coarseness, in a way] – SIFT. On Dan Feyer’s Not a Blog, Al Sanders and Dan commented on the sneaky little trap found in this clue. Did you try SOFT or SIFT first? That’s nasty.
- 34a. [Capital of the German state Thuringia] – ERFURT. Haven’t seen that one before. Looks like the hillbilly pronunciation of EFFORT. The crossings are all solid, though as Al points out, it’s dangerously close to the SOFT/SIFT area.
- 56a. [Not in gear?] – STARK NAKED. My clue of the day.
13d. [Bond rating?] – VALENCE. Another nice one. Tough too, especially if you don’t remember your high school chemistry
- 34d. [Prepares for the pyramid] – EMBALMS. My first thought was of someone cramming before an appearance on The $100,000 Pyramid.
- 38d. [Like a fedora’s crown] – CREASED. I love the visual in this clue. Probably as interesting a clue for CREASED as you’re going to find.
- 49d. [Parliament unit] – PACK. Parliament cigarettes. Wow, that’s another nasty one. But that’s what we like in our Post Puzzlers, right?
Lots more to like in this puzzle, especially in the clues. Thumbs up.
Bruce Venzke’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post crossword, “Sunday Challenge” – Sam Donaldson’s review
Today’s Sunday Challenge purports to be a 72/38 themeless puzzle, but there’s actually a theme to it. It’s called “everything outside my wheelhouse.” There was so much here I just Did Not Know. Let the enumeration begin:
- CHLOE is the [Lover of Daphnis]. Of course, all I could think about was Daphne, the lovely ginger from Scooby Doo. She was the only redeeming character on that show, I thought.
- CHERCHEZ LA FEMME is a [Detective’s famous cliche]. It means nothing to me, a guy whose knowledge of French is limited to crosswords and Pepe LePew cartoons. Apparently it means “look for the woman” as an explanation for why a guy behaves funny.
- RAGS is [Crusader Rabbit’s sidekick]. Well, if I knew Crusader Rabbit, I’m sure this clue would have been a gimme.
- I’ve seen SPAD, the [WWI fighter], in crosswords before, but it’s one of those terms that comes up so rarely that it hasn’t sunk in the way OLIO, OLEO, and AGHA have.
- CASS is [Fiction’s Timberlane]. He’s bringing sexy back. Oops, wrong one.
- The first name of [Cross or Kupcinet] could have been anything and I would have bought it. IRV is as good as anything else, I suppose.
- Given my lack of culture, evident from much of the above, it will come as no surprise to readers that I had no idea that the last name for [French novelist Honore de ___] was BALZAC.
- EGGAR is the last name of [Samantha of “Doctor Doolittle”].
- LOIRE is the [French wine valley]. Huh, go figure. There was something French I didn’t know. At least I got C’EST magnifique!
So when one-eighth of the answers are complete unknowns, one is in for a slog. Is my ignorance (especially of French) the puzzle’s fault? Not one bit. But did my ignorance make the solving experience more frustrating than entertaining? This time, oui. Little things like SESS and CRESC bugged me more than they normally would, but that’s probably because I felt more beaten up than usual. Oh well–tomorrow’s another crossword!
Alan Arbesfeld’s Los Angeles Times crossword, “Amazing!” – Jeffrey’s review
Theme: WOW! Eight w-o-w phrases.
Theme answers:
- 23A. [Steal] – WALK OFF WITH
- 29A. [Wouk work, with “The”] – WINDS OF WAR
- 35A. [2000 Sean Penn film, with “The”] – WEIGHT OF WATER
- 59A. [Have a drink] – WET ONE’S WHISTLE
- 80A. [Last book in Robertson Davies’ “Deptford Trilogy”] – WORLD OF WONDERS
- 99A. [Sage advice] – WORDS OF WISDOM
- 106A. [Laurel and Hardy film set in Brushwood Gulch] – WAY OUT WEST
- 118A. [’30s show tune that became a 1960 Dion and the Belmonts hit] – WHERE OR WHEN
So we have three good phrases and five books, films and song that are all pretty obscure.
Other stuff:
- 14D. [Have an easy catch with] – TOSS TO. A phrase that uses 3 letters twice each.
- 95D. [Former children’s clothing chain] – KIDS R US. Shouldn’t a former children’s clothing chain be called Adults R Us?
- 100D. [Reindeer name] – DASHER. I had Dancer. Darn Santa and his names.
- 103D. [“Rock Around the Clock” label] – DECCA
- 56A. [“The Namesake” director Mira] – NAIR. A new NAIR clue? Who knew?
- 65A. [Germany, to Meg Ryan: Abbr.] – ANAGram
- 87A. [Rock and Roll Hall of Famer David] – CROSBY
Unfortunately, this Amazing! puzzle didn’t live up to its title for me.
By the way, themeless puzzle lovers should check out frequent Fiend commenter Martin Ashwood-Smith’s Triple-Stack Crosswords, featuring 72 all-new puzzles, including some quad-stacks! I have solved over 30 so far, and there’s some great stuff here.
Merl Reagle’s syndicated crossword, “April Showers Bring…”
I can’t help wondering if this puzzle is a rerun from the ’80s because so much of the fill feels fusty to me.
The theme is straightforward: Nine words, names, or phrases contain the letter string MUD, which April showers may bring along with May flowers.
- 22a. DR. SAMUEL MUDD, [Famed prisoner of Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas]
- 32a. MUDDLED THROUGH, [Weathered somehow]
- 44a. MUDVILLE, [Where mighty Casey struck out]
- 54a. SMUDGE POT, [Heated container that a citrus grower uses to reduce frost]
- 64a. CURMUDGEONS, [Irascible individuals]
- 71a. THE TALMUD, [Ancient text]
- 78a. AMU DARYA, [River between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan]. AMU with a [__ Darya] clue is old-school crosswordese.
- 93a. BERNARD MALAMUD, [Author of “The Fixer”]
- 106a. BERMUDA ONION, [Vidalia’s cousin]
Now, what do I mean by “fusty”? Let’s look at several examples. First up, a river I don’t think I’ve ever heard of, not even in crosswords—and it’s parked directly below AMU DARYA. 85a: DVINA, [Riga’s river (anagram of DIVAN)]. Another clue has the anagram helper because its answer, too, is fairly obscure. 4d: SPARGE, [Splash or sprinkle (anagram of GRAPES)].
I grant you that E-CASH didn’t exist in the ’80s (and it’s a yucky answer because who talks about e-cash these days?) and neither did the PRIUS, so the puzzle probably isn’t a 25-year-old rerun. But there were a couple other answers that I’ve never seen before. 21d: DINGLE, [Irish peninsula near Tralee] and 75d: LUNARIA, [Flower with moon-shaped seed pods]. We’ve also got UNLASH and UNARM, and the 1920s’ Gertrude EDERLE (who’s awesome, but I first learned of her as a kid via crosswords). Plus (in the category of “meh” rather than “How old is this puzzle?”) there are two Roman numerals—61a: III, [The unthinkable war] and 80a: CCXXII, [222].
BRENDA LEE (41d. [“I’m Sorry” singer]) is a nice answer, a full name. I will grant you that she’s in all sorts of music Halls of Fame, but her heyday came before I was born so I don’t really know her oeuvre.
I don’t see 23d: [Stylish] and UPSCALE as being equivalent. Something can be stylish without a lot of money behind it, and something can be upscale but musty rather than stylish.
2.5 stars from me. I look to Merl’s puzzles to bring whimsy and fun, and this one felt like more of a trudge through the MUD.
P.S. 109a: [Dark brews] clues LAGERS, which I think of as being among the palest beers. The dictionary I just checked does have the word “light” in the definition for lager.
Frank Longo’s Celebrity crossword, “Sunday Funday”
Everybody’s favorite green ogre is the name of the game today:
- 1a. SHREK, [Title character in a series of four DreamWorks animated films]
- 17a. EDDIE MURPHY, [He voiced Donkey in the 1-Across films: 2 wds.]
- 26a. LORD [___ Farquaad (short-statured villain in 1-Across)]. Do children snicker at that sounds-like-a-dirty-word name, or just the grownups?
- 30a. OGRE, [What 1-Across is]
- 36a. BOOTS, [“Puss in ___” (2011 prequel to the 1-Across films)]
- 40a. CAMERON DIAZ, [She voiced Princess Fiona in the 1-Across films: 2 wds.]
- 53a. MYERS, [Mike who voiced 1-Across]
- 11d. ASS, [Another term for 17-Across’ character]
Rather tough fill in this one, especially for brand-new crossword solvers. Hence the anagram clues for HIED and the FRESNEL lens (the latter is new to me). DINGO isn’t so hard, but it crosses a relatively uncommon word (UNDAM), a name (INGE), the crosswordese ingredient AGAR (its job is to help keep ice cream and crosswords smooth), and more names (ZOES)—so the anagram hint for DINGO can help the new solver conquer that corner.
Henry Hook’s Sunday crossword, “Bugged” — pannonica’s review
This grid has been colonized by ANTs!
The wee hexapodal beasties are manifest at the ends of the theme entries, altering the base phrases in alarming ways.
- 22a. [One reason for crowded depots?] BOARDING RAMPANT. Boarding ramps are the used to embark on barques, which may or may not be made of birch bark—but probably not— before you embark on your journeys.
- 40a. [Flag raised in 1066?] WILLIAM PENNANT. William the Conqueror (ca. 1028–1087), William Penn (1644–1718).
- 61a. [Congressional gala?] SENATE PAGEANT.
- 83a. [Insistent gent’s comment?] MADAM, I’M ADAMANT. This is an ’80s-pop-free zone.
- 103a. [What a landlord provides?] QUARTER TO TENANT. A bit random on the original phrase here; there’s nothing particularly notable about that time.
- 15d. [Unhappy noncom?] BLUE SERGEANT. Sergeant derives from “servant,” while the textile serge traces its etymology through the Middle English sarge to the Latin
sericus, meaning silken. That said, a sergeant in the RCMP wears a uniform made of red serge. As for blue serge, I’ll make room for Cab Calloway.
- 32d. [Lowly worker who’s been fired?] CANNED PEASANT.
- 55d. [3 ~ cosine?] TRIPLE SECANT. I don’t recognize the ~ notation, but the answer was easy enough to get. Is it margarita time?
In general, I appreciate the themers in which the added letters change the pronunciation (PAGEANT, SERGEANT, PEASANT, SECANT), but my favorite of all of them is MADAM, I’M ADAMANT. I can’t help but picture a STARK NAKED (see today’s LAT) Adam saying this to Eve (as the hypothetical palindrome would have it), so primly and properly. Plus, the rhyming clue is so fun! (-ent is not -ant, at least in my pronunciation.) A drawback—or advantage, depending on how you look at it—to a theme such as this is that a series of letters and their location is known and can be used to rapidly fill in a bunch of squares.
Some other stuff:
- Some fun, not-often-seen fill, including Henry WINKLER, GLOBULIN, MINARET, GAUZY, and MACOUNS.
- 37a [Macabre monogram] EA POE. Do not like. Monogram, from Late Latin monogramma, from Greek mon- one + gramma letter. That means initials. I suppose it could be argued that “Poe” is a grapheme and so forth, but a monogram is generally understood to be composed of initials.
- 67a [Paltrow : Danner :: Hudson : __ ]. I did not know that Blythe Danner was the mother of Gwyneth Paltrow, nor did I know that Goldie HAWN is the mother of Kate Hudson. Having it cross with equally unknown-to-me actor George EADS, was unpleasant, but how many possibilities for H_WN are there, especially when the clue seems to be about actresses?
- AL DUBIN, whom I was trying to parse as one name as I was struggling to fill in all the letters, is the [“42nd Street” lyricist]. Harry Warren was the composer. (20a)
- 50a & 78a RESEEDS and RESAT. I have a tolerance of one funny re-verb per puzzle.
- 72a [Caribbean resort island] ST BARTS. Had ST KITTS at first, would have appreciated a “familiarly”-type modifier in the clue. S(ain)t Barthélemy.
- 5d [Last two words of Matthew 23:22] IT I. Really? Really?? Isn’t IS IT I crosswordesey enough without further PARE-DOWN (79d)? Or is it just me? I? I… I… don’t know what to say.
- 73d [Tit-for-tat compliment] TRADE-LAST. I’d never heard of this term before, but am glad to know it. “Trade-last (n.): a complimentary remark by a third person that a hearer offers to repeat to the person complimented if he or she will first report a compliment made about the hearer. First known use: 1891. (m-w.com) A bit convoluted, but interesting.
- PSA: 77a [Country star with a trademark stutter] Mel TILLIS, is not to be confused with Meg Tilly, actress with a trademark something-or-other.
- 100a [Don Corleone] VITO. Am I the only who, upon hearing “Vito Corleone,” thinks of vitello mascarpone? What about I Vitelloni?
- 47a [TV’s ShamWow spokesman] VINCE. I did not need to learn this. I will not investigate to find out whether it’s a first or last name. I am going to lie down now.
Average puzzle.
Too much work!
I’m with Amy on this one. Clever theme with some twisty clues. I enjoyed it a lot.
i liked the idea of the theme, but once you got it, uncovering each new theme answer wasn’t all that exciting. but yeah, the fill and clues were on the hard side for a sunday and i enjoyed the puzzle. (psst, jim, that was pannonica, not amy, writing today’s review.)
There’s a typo in the WaPo write-up: 34D is EMBALMS… pre-pyramid. Loved the NYT though it took me ages last night. And I did finish the Puzzler, but only after cheating to get unknown NICKI MINAJ. I’d have enjoyed it more, if not for that! Hats off to both authors!
I too liked the theme and the puz., but had exactly the same reaction as Joon–it all depended on the “aha moment”. Once you got it, it became almost trivially easy. Still, an entertaining puzzle.
Comments (not really nits): Beeth’s ninth of course is in D minor, as Pan said, but the ‘An Die Freude’ theme itself is in D Major.
{Student of Morality} for “casuist” is an odd, almost misleading clue, though you couldn’t say it was actually wrong. The term “casuistry” is most often used by ethicists or moral philosophers a bit derisively, contemptuously. It often has the flavor of one who eschews or ignores moral principles or systematic moral analysis, in favor of ad hoc, not well-justified results in particular cases. There is that flavor of inconsistent, or unjustified moral reasoning. (cf the response some years ago in philosophical circles to the book *Situation Ethics* by Joseph Fletcher which was widely (though not universally) dismissed as “mere casuistry,” not ethics at all. Whether one agrees or not, the words “mere” and “casuistry” often go together.
I had an amazing experience yesterday; one I never expected to have. I attended the X-wd tournament at Brown University. (That wasn’t the amazing part). The tournament was organized and the puzzles constructed by Brown students, and they did a superb job in all respects. They were all intelligent, likable, energetic young people. It’s enough to give one renewed faith in the emerging generation, and the future of the universe. :-) WS was there and did his usual smooth, charming, engaging emcee job.
The amazing part was hearing my name called as a second place finisher and getting to (having to?) solve on the big board in front of the adoring hordes of fans and groupies. That’s something I never expected to have to worry about. I wondered if I would be a bundle of nerves, but I wasn’t. I just get cocooned in my own little universe, oblivious to my surroundings, letting the chips fall where they may. Of course it was a small tournament; there were divisions, and there was the medium fish in a small pond effect. I was even more amazed when I finished first, stepped away, and the constructor (Natan Last), acting as judge gave me the thumbs up.
I can’t discuss the puzzles, since they will be published in the NYT, but they were all excellent. There were actually three divisions–pairs, undergraduates and non-undergraduates. So the three top finishers in each division solved the same puzzle with the same clues on the boards. I think of myself slightly disingenuously as having “won” the tournament since it turned out that my time on the final puzzle was the best of the three division winners. (So there’s a huge vacuum there at the top,no doubt abhored by nature, waiting to be filled.) I did manage to avoid silly errors for a change, and move smoothly through all the grids. But regardless of any of that, it was a lot of fun, well worth the $25 parking ticket, and an excellent event. I encourage all of you to attend convenient regional tournaments.
A couple of egregious, very distracting repetitions in the LAT:
71a [“It’s my fervent wish!”] I HOPE SO, crossing 71d [“If only!”] I WISH. Same construction, sharing the word I, on top of the wish duplication.
35a [2000 Sean Penn film, with “The”] WEIGHT OF WATER, and 118d [Driver’s lic. stat] WGT.
p.s. If you’re unfamiliar with Robertson Davies’ wonderful writing, the Deptford Trilogy (Fifth Business, The Manticore, World of Wonders) is a great place to start.
ARVO crossing TITOV looks like a Natick to me! The theme was clever but most of the fill was not fun. CASUIST crossing URI fouled me up at first because I do not know college teams and had ARI (Arizona??) so that made CASAIST, which I knew could not be right. Finally went through the alphabet to figure it out.
I solve on the iPad with the Magmic app and do not see the instructions once I have begun the puzzle, so I had to go back to the menu to re-read them when I noticed a theme was afoot.
I’ll defend the so-called unfair crossing of ARVO and TITOV.
1) Arvo Pärt is one of the most popular and acclaimed composers of the late 20th and early 21st century.
2) The clue for TITOV mentions that he’s a cosmonaut; how many Russian surnames ending in -V don’t end in -OV? That is, aside from the -IEVs, -EEVs, and -YEVs, which can all be safely eliminated, as the T from AT THE START would—it is assumed—be in place.
Re Arvo Part and German Titov–What Pannonica said.
Part is a fascinating, multi-talented multifaceted composer. One of the most interesting musicians alive. If one has heard of only 3 or 4 composers born, say, since the 30’s he would or should be one of them. (I assume he was born in the 30’s). I can’t resist asking rhetorically–How many rappers and rock bands am I expected to have heard of? Surely the total of the two is over 100. I would love to see the gap close, or the ratio diminish. Dream on. German Titov was all over the news at the time. Sure, it’s old news, but that’s called ‘history’ which is also something one can reasonably expected to be familiar with.
Oops, sorry pannonica. It turns out it was you I agreed with.
I used to write a blog myself. (No, really. It was a long time ago.) About a year and a half in, I started sharing the duties. I got called Patrick all the time. Maybe it’s subconscious revenge.
I’m not offended, Jim, and it’s happened before, despite the fact that some people… erm, never mind.
Being new to the world of blogdom, I’m not sure if this ship has sailed or if I’m not supposed to post about a previous puzzle but can someone explain the answer, “OWNER” to the clue, “LAND’S END” on the Saturday Stumper. I don’t get it! Help! If I am committing a serious breach of ettiquette, please forgive me!
i know very little french but i know what cherchez la femme means – and i remember the turtle named church la femme from the pogo comic strip.
Dave Manuel: It’s a fiendish clue referencing “landowner.”
thank you, pannonica…
Bruce, congratulations on what was an unexpectedly wonderful outcome for you at Brown. Keep it up! Hurray for the non-youngsters!
Thanks Zulema–Yes, very unexpected and that was my reaction–score one for the geriatric set.
Bruce, that’s awesome! Congrats.
Congratlations Bruce. What good news.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think the NYT theme works. One over seven is “one-seventh” not “seventh”. But maybe I’m just a crotchety old man.
It’s not so uncommon to know Arvo Part’s music–“Fratres” (cello/piano arrangement) was used in the film “There Will Be Blood” a couple years ago, and the classical music station in Chicago will play his works every so often. Just this morning there was a chamber piece of his on the radio.
WaPo is always fun to solve. Great fill.
Found this site because I have another site with almost the exact same domain name. I was doing Google searches and I thought for a minute that my site was ranking high for once.