NYT 9:34
Reagle 8:18
LAT 9:56 (Jeffrey-paper)
Hex/Hook untimed (pannonica)
WaPo 10:39 (Neville)
CS 9:13 (Sam)
Randolph Ross’s New York Times crossword, “‘A’ Trip Around the World”
The theme entries are strings of geographic entities that start and end with A, hooked together rather than duplicating the connector A’s. The A strings appear in stacks: long pairs at the top and bottom and a staggered triple stack of 19s in the middle. Now, the specific places in each theme entry aren’t described in the clues, so I found it a little hard to fill in the center section. If you had blanks in the long entries, you weren’t getting much help with the crossings, and not getting the crossings made it harder to get the A-place Acrosses. I don’t remember how many theme squares a typical Sunday puzzle has, but I suspect these 133 squares are a good bit more than usual. I say that because (a) all those theme answer places take up a lot of space, and (b) because the Scowl-o-Meter kept triggering as I worked through the puzzle. When 1-Across is a crosswordese place (BADEN, [European spa site]), the guard dog watching the Scowl-o-Meter starts to snarl (or gnar, if you want to go all crosswordese). I kept running into words I learned from crosswords (TEK! And ORRIS, IPANA, ODER), abbreviations (HEB, BOL, USTA, TSPS, AES initials), awkwardnesses (Are you a GARGLER? So soon after the FRAUS controversy, were you ready for MADAMES instead of MESDAMES? Were you ready for EEW after the ACPT trap of “Is it EEW or EWW?” And how many HAVOCS and DETENTES is it possible to have?)
Looking back at the grid, I do see plenty of good stuff in the grid. I like IT’S A DATE (though I had DEAL first), the CARLTON/CARTON crossing, CHALLAH, “I LOVE L.A.,” and plenty of solid entries.
As for the theme, it’s a little jarring to jumble together continents, countries, cities, islands, states, provinces, a sea, and whatever ARCADIA is. Notes below, with slashes and extra A’s for ease of seeing the places:
- 22a. AFRICA/ASIA/ARGENTINA/ARUBA: Two continents, a country, an island.
- 26a. ATLANTA/ALMA ATA/ANDORRA: City, two-word city name that’s a variant of Almaty, country.
- 55a. AMERICA/ARIZONA/ALBANIA: Uh, what is America? Shorthand for the United States of America or either of the continental Americas? State, country.
- 61a. ALGERIA/ALABAMA/ARCADIA: Country, state, mystery. Wikipedia’s primary Arcadia is an administrative unit of Greece.
- 63a. ALBERTA/ALAMEDA/ASTORIA: Province of Canada, city of 73,812, and … a neighborhood in Queens? Or a small town? My vote is for Astoria, South Dakota, population 139. Either that or the submarine abyss called Astoria Canyon.
- 95a. ALTOONA/ARMENIA/ARAL SEA: Another two-word crosswordese entity. Pennsylvania town, country, shrinking sea.
- 100a. ANTARCTICA/ALASKA/ANTIGUA: Continent, state, island.
Oh, also: What the heck is URBAN POP (15d. [Some city sounds])? I’ve never encountered this term before.
This whole venture felt rather hit-or-miss to me. 2.9 stars. I would have liked perhaps to have fewer places in the theme entries so that they all felt natural.
Gareth Bain’s Los Angeles Times crossword, “Say What?” – Jeffrey’s review
Last week’s puzzle was titled Got Milk? This week, Say What? I guess the secret of getting a puzzle published in the Sunday LA Times is a three-letter-four-letter-question-mark title. By the way, the Sunday LA Times crossword is not actually in the Sunday LA Times. Who Knew?
Theme: The beginning of the theme answers can follow “Say” in beloved expressions.
Theme answers:
- 23A. [Area for religious zeal] – AMEN CORNER (say amen)
- 25A. [Actress turned princess] – GRACE KELLY (say grace)
- 42A. [Jackie Coogan’s “Addams Family” role] – UNCLE FESTER (say uncle)
- 47A. [A Bible, to many] – THE WORD OF GOD (say the word)
- 68A. [1961 Marvelettes #1 hit] – PLEASE MR. POSTMAN (say please)
- 93A. [O’Neill play] – AH WILDERNESS (say ah)
- 96A. [“I’m full!”] – NO MORE FOR ME (say no more)
- 116A. [Start of an opinion] – I DO BELIEVE (say I do)
- 119A. [Everly Brothers classic] – BYE BYE LOVE (say bye bye)
Say, Say, Say
I must say this is a fine example of this type of puzzle.
Other stuff:
- 33A. [Suffix with Zola] – ESQUE. Who can forget that scene in Wordplay where Trip Payne shouts out “Oh Good God” after seeing Amy curtsy?
- 75A. [Volcanic depressions] – CALDERAS
- 104A. [Like volcanoes] – CONIC. Gareth’s secret volcano fetish, revealed!
- 111A. [2001-’08 White House Deputy Chief of Staff whose middle name is Whitehouse] – HAGIN. My middle name is SevenStoryOfficeBuilding.
- 11D. [Interstellar unit] – PARSEC. You know who is an expert on PARSEC? Han Solo!
- 46D. [Musical with the song “Seasons of Love“] – RENT. One of the few songs with 525,600 in the lyrics.
- 67D. [Tee buyer’s options, briefly] – SML. Better add some X’s or it won’t fit me.
- 80D. [Pro shop purchase] – GOLF SHIRT
- 81D. [World Golf Hall of Famer Aoki] – ISAO. Gareth’s secret golf fetish, revealed! (See also AMEN CORNER).
- 91D. [Rare great apes] – BONOBOS. I want to see a video of BONOBOS eating bonbons.
- 97D. [’50s Superman player George] – REEVES
50D. [Call it a night] – GO HOME!
Martin Ashwood-Smith’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post crossword, “Sunday Challenge” – Sam Donaldson’s review
Quad-stack alert! This 66/28 freestyle crossword from the Prince of Triple Stacks features two quad-stacks (that is, four 15-letter entries stacked one atop the next). I’ve never made a quad-stack puzzle, but not for lack of trying. There’s something to be said just for getting a quad stack to work, but from a critical perspective there are two criteria for a quad-stack to be successful: (1) the liveliness of the 15-letter entries, and (2) the quality of the crossings required to make it all work. Think about it–if the 15-letter entries are DULL AS DISHWATER (15 letters!), then there’s not much fun for the solver. And if one must endure strained crossings to suss out the longer entries, much of the enjoyment from even the liveliest 15-letter entries is lost.
Viewed from these two criteria, I’d score the bottom quad-stack an unqualified success. All four of the entries are interesting. I like HURRICANE SEASON as an entry, though I had no idea it is the title of a [Forest Whitaker movie of 2010]. ESCAPE TO VICTORY is a [John Huston war movie of 1981] that has a familiar title to me, though I’ve never seen it. LEAVE IT TO CHANCE is just a terrific entry, and DESERT ONE’S POST is pretty lively too. The crossings are solid, and some (ACE IT, COLD AS ICE) are pretty darn cool. The worst of the crossings are USEE, [One for whose benefit a legal suit is brought] and ATTS (short for attorneys). The two partials (NO TO and A TAP) may be less elegant, but we all know partials are fine in this solver’s territory. So this quad-stack gets five stars.
The top stack is considerably less successful, but I think that has more to do with my complete unfamiliarity with two of the 15-letter entries. I’ve never heard the expression AS SOBER AS A JUDGE, a simile indicating that something is [Very serious]. Maybe it’s because I’ve known a judge or two to be not-quite-sober sometimes. Judges do serious work, certainly, but some would not exactly be described as “serious.” The other unknown to me was the BESSEMER PROCESS, the [Steelmaking method]. Let’s turn to Wikipedia for some background: “The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron. … The key principle is removal of impurities from the iron by oxidation with air being blown through the molten iron. The oxidation also raises the temperature of the iron mass and keeps it molten.”
The other two components of the quad-stack, RATIONALIZATION and ITALIAN-AMERICAN, are perfectly fine, but neither is in the company of any component in the bottom stack. The crossings in this stack are considerably more strained, too. STAS, RANEES, and ENNS aren’t pretty, and neither of the partials here really worked for me. “DO AS you please” is an expression I know, but GO-AS-you please as an adjective for “not tied down” is new to me. And I know the expression for “laugh hard” as BUST A GUT, not BUST A RIB. Toss in the increasingly obscure [Gore recount legal reprsentative David] BOIES and you have a stack that, well, it works, but it’s not exactly elegant. The top stack thus gets an arguably generous three stars.
The really interesting stuff is in the middle, where one 15-letter entry, EXAMINATION ROOM, anchors a lot of interesting tidbits like TAHITI, COCA-COLA (the [Tab producer]), RED EAGLE (the [Creek warrior pardoned by Andrew Jackson]), David MAMET, and CLOGS, the [Targets for snakes] (as in the snakes used by plumbers). That section is easily four stars (OSE, TO ONE, and RIME keep it from five-star status, but hey, four stars is pretty darn good around these parts).
So we get a grid that spans from three to five stars as one moves from top to bottom. Good to finish on a strong note, right?
Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon’s Sunday crossword, “Quick Quip” — pannonica’s review
Thanks to delayed on-line publication, this puzzle is behind the times, as the subject of the theme-comprising quotation occurred over six weeks ago.
89a. [Author of this puzzle’s quip] STEVEN WRIGHT.
This sort of dubiously trenchant observation is a hallmark of Wright’s deadpan comedy, who reached his popular peak in the 1980s but is apparently still going strong, somewhere. This is news to me, but then again I’m not entenched in the media loop. Of course, the essential thing abou the Indianapolis 500 and other RACES is that they are [Tests of speed] (115a). Wryony!
The last section of the grid I completed was the area around the 500, with its numerals. The main trouble was that I had no idea how to spell the slangy word for lieutenant suggested by 15d [Sarge’s superiors]—for most of the solve I had LOOEYS, then adjusted it to LOUIES, and finally—after realizing that New Orleans’ [Preservation Hall locale] was the 5TH, not the the Ninth, WARD (mentioned so often in the wake of Hurricane Katrina)—working out LOOIES.
The rest of the field:
- Longest nonthematic fill: 36d [Gauge illuminators] DASH LIGHTS; I like the colloquialness of the dropped -BOARD. Not associated with 62a [Face with hands] DIAL. 47d [Trek to a shrine] PILGRIMAGE. interesting how the roughly counterbalancing 34d JIHAD [Arabic for “struggle”] readily anagrams to HADJI (Arabic for “one who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca”) with a simple reversal of syllables.
- 69d LA LAW, 106a LA TIMES. 16d IMACS, 30a IPAD.
40a [Lone Wolf’s followers] KIOWA. I can’t immediately find a close connection between them and the Iowa.
- Overly specific clues that threw me off: 88d [March 15, in 44 B.C.] IDES well, yes, but every March has an ides and this one is just the famous one. 80d [Bird bunch] BEVY; actually, this one is either too specific or not specific enough because BEVY connotes a large number of animals (not specifically birds), but is also the collective noun for quail.
- 22a [Victim of misogyny] WOMAN. An overly specific clue that didn’t throw me but found irksome, abstracted from the puzzle. All of society suffers when misogyny occurs.
- 63a [Jam band Umphrey’s __ ] MCGEE. Unknown to me, but I suppose it’s a welcome change from the old-time crosswordy Fibber MCGEE. I’d still prefer Kris Kristofferson’s song.
In general, the puzzle had what felt like a typical amount of proper nouns, crosswordese, partials, abbreviations, and the like. So, average ballast, unexceptional quote for a theme, plus straightforward cluing make for an average large format crossword.
Doug Peterson’s Washington Post crossword, “The Post Puzzler No. 119” – Neville’s review
Neville here, in for Doug again because he’s written today’s great Post Puzzler – an A+ from me. Nothing impossible in here, but boy did I have a hard time with this one. It was a fun hard time, though. Let’s start with some long ones:
- 28a. [Person who needs a lift to work] – SKI INSTRUCTOR. This was an early get for me, but the cleverness isn’t lost on me.
- 33a. [Wood feature] – WEST SIDE STORY. That’s Natalie Wood for you young ‘uns. I’m surprised Doug or Peter didn’t go with [Woodwork?], but again, I think that’s the road they were going down. Two for two on good clues for 13-letter entries.
- 14d. [Company headquartered in Botany Bay] – QANTAS AIRWAYS. Now right away, if you know where Botany Bay is, you think of Qantas straight away. But it’s that danged Q at the end of MAGGIE Q that screws with you if you’ve never heard of her. I just don’t expect that sort of nonsense. Still, it worked itself out eventually.
- 15d. [“On the Waterfront” Oscar winner] – EVA MARIE SAINT. I got her Wheel of Fortune style, despite having a cruddy knowledge of movies.
How about the corners, then? Below Ms. Q is ORGANZA, a [Wedding dress fabric] that I’ve not heard of, so I got it going down. That was really the only sticky spot for me in this puzzle that I just could not get. Plenty of cute clues in this themeless puzzle.
- 22a. [Smart adversary] references the evil organization KAOS on “Get Smart.” I know it comes up in crosswords a lot, but I still love it.
- 40a. [Material for Voldemort’s wand] – it’s not me, it’s YEW. Way to liven up a blah tree, DP.
- 42a. [Get behind something, say] – HIDE. BACK just wouldn’t work.
- 54a. [It’s taken for trips in the desert] – PEYOTE. This was exactly what I suspected it would be… I was just shocked that it was right!
- 55a. [Sound choice] – STEREO. Is this still really a choice? Do you still have mono speakers in your home?
- 3d. [Yellow] – EGG YOLK. Did you think we were going for something like COWARDLY? The moment that didn’t fit I knew we’d be in for a tricky time.
- 7d. [Hypnos’s realm] – SLEEP. Yup – there’s our Greek mythology for the puzzle. Somnus is the Roman equivalent – you never know when you’ll need to know that!
- 20d. [Initiate a squeeze] – BUNT. There’s your classic indirect baseball clue from DP. There’s always one in there somewhere.
Merl Reagle’s syndicated crossword, “Fasten-ation”
It’s been a while since a pun theme really sat right with me, but this one felt like a solid puzzle. Eleven theme entries (or nine, if you count the three-part, 35-letter one as a single entry), unforced fill, puns that didn’t stretch too far. It won’t end up on my hypothetical 2012 Top Ten list, but there’s little to criticize.
First up, the fastener theme:
- 22a. [The sound of hard-hat frogs at work?], RIVET, RIVET. Am picturing cartoon hard-hat frogs doing iron work 40 stories above the street. It’s always a good thing when a crossword answer gives you a funny visual. (Ribbit, ribbit.)
- 28a. [One way to describe a fastener expo?], SPIKETACULAR. (Spectacular.)
- 31a. [Like fraudulent fastener firms?], UNSCREWPULOUS. (Unscrupulous.)
- 48a. [What the carpenter was when he realized he’d brought only one kind of fastener?], IN A BRAD MOOD. Didn’t realize carpenters used brads. Did you know the word’s been with us since late Middle English? (In a bad mood.)
- 51a. [Playwright with many solid hits?], NAIL SIMON. (Neil Simon, who has indeed nailed the secret to theatrical success.)
- 63a. [All it takes for some small home-building jobs?], THREE LITTLE PEGS. I like a sturdy peg that doesn’t dislodge in my bookshelf and send books flying. This year, I finally found a suitable peg. I bought three little pegs at the hardware store, but two turned out not to fit the bill. Or the hole and shelf, rather. That’s what they didn’t fit. (“Three Little Pigs.”)
- 81a. [The fastener capital of America?], BOLTIMORE. Locals pronounce it “bowl-mer.” (Baltimore.)
- 83a. [Fastener search that makes you a bit jumpy?], STAPLE CHASE. (Steeplechase, a horsey jumping event.)
- 96a, 100a, 109a. [Q: “How do you know so much about fasteners?” A: “Simple. I went to the ___ …” (continues at 100 and 109 Across)], MASSACHUSETTS PINSTITUTE OF TACKNOLOGY. (MIT.)
There’s a little crosswordese (e.g., ESTE, ASTA) but I didn’t pick up on any deadly crossings or tortured fill. And there were some fun clues:
- 40d. [They really light up a room], LAMPS. No, really! Not figuratively!
- 16d. [What stinks in here?], ODOR.
4.25 stars.
Almaata gave me heartburn. Had GOnif and felt good about it and all the other crosses, but couldn’t figure out what place they had in mind.
This one didn’t thrill me…
you know that game on a road trip where the first letter of the country you say has to be the last letter of the country the last person said, and EVERYONE JUST KEEPS SAYING COUNTRIES THAT START AND END WITH A?
A more famous ASTORIA is the Oregon city at the mouth of the Columbia River. But having visited several of the small towns near Astoria, South Dakota between ages 6 and 20, you have my vote!
Some missing “A” places: Australia, Austria, and Angola.
I vote for whichever Astoria was the setting for “The Goonies.” That was in Oregon, I think.
ARCADIA is a hot bed of high-school distance running in Southern California. Perennial favorites, them.
Goonies/Kindergarten Cop/Short Circuit were all set in Astoria OR.
Amy, (re yesterday’s Stumper) You raised {Took as cards} = “honored.” Credit cards. (We honor the American Express card.)
I never did manage to get the SE which was the hardest quadrant of the year so far, for me, of any regularly pubished puzzle. I figured ‘roulette wheel” had to be wrong, but couldn’t figure out what to replace it with. For one thing, you don’t bet *on* the roulette table, you bet on the wheel *at* the table. Great puzzle, though. I’m not sure anyone is interested in “letter bank” words any more. Nucky (Frank Longo), likes them. But “senselessness” uses the letter bank LENS. One of the longest words and shortest banks you will ever find.
I thought “AS SOBER AS A JUDGE” was a reasonably well known idiom. Or is this just a British English vs. American English issue?
even though we can find ARCADIA on the map, given the range of geographical entities in randy puzzle, i decided to take it as a place in its utopian / classical sense : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcadia_%28utopia%29.
and martin — fwiw, in my experience, AS SOBER AS A JUDGE is as american as apple pie!
No, Martin, SOBER AS A JUDGE is a very well-known phrase to me. Maybe Georgia judges are cronicly half in the bag, so the idiom never told hold ’round them parts?
Martin – In my book that should be a reasonably well know idiom.
As a constructor, I find there are numerous times when I include what I think is a great tidbit in a puzzle and the editors aren’t nearly as impressed.
Here’s my problem with ASTORIA, Oregon. While movies have been set there, it is a cruise ship port, and it has a distinguished history in its founding, it’s still a town of less than 10,000 people. Tiny! I don’t think anyone should be expected to know towns with 4-digit populations that aren’t in their own county.
“As a constructor, I find there are numerous times when I include what I think is a great tidbit in a puzzle and the editors aren’t nearly as impressed.”
Yeah, also I thought David Boies was fair game, since he’s been on CNN and MSNBC providing legal commentary countless times most recently for “Obamacare” and the so-called birth control mandate.
i liked the NYT. Having to guess at the place names added a nice element. it wouldn’t have been as much fun if there were clues for the places. Fill was so-so, but nothing really bothered me at that much. Given that this is a NY Times puzzle, Astoria is a neighborhood in Queens. Great food there. Arcadia is a National Park in Maine. Loved the inclusion of Alma Ata.
I’ve been to Astoria a few times. The best multi-day albacore fishing trips leave from there, and it’s a great place to visit. We’ll probably spend a night in Astoria on our upcoming road trip to Seattle. Its an annual outing and Astoria is a favorite stop if we are on the coast in northern Oregon.
The last time we were in Astoria, we fell into a tiny Bosnian restuarant for lunch. In one of those joys of travel, we discovered a gem. The owner, an ebullient middle-aged Bosnian lady married to an American man who was trying to hold on for dear life, insisted on making us “tastes” of everything on the menu. These samples were each large enough for a meal, and all wonderful. I think we had an entire lamb for lunch.
Our hotel room stuck out into the mouth of the Columbia River (a geographically significant location, by the way, that also puts Astoria “on the map”) and had a huge bay window which gave us a view of very large ships sailing under the very impressive Megler Bridge and seemingly just past our room.
I’m not sure why having the county share a name is important, but Astoria is a county seat. It’s also well worth a visit.
@Martin AS: What?? David Boies made headlines from his Microsoft work and by partnering with that conservative lawyer in the California same-sex marriage lawsuit. Oh (checking Wikipedia), and also in Bush v. Gore, which was kind of a big deal in the U.S.
Hi Amy,
I’m not sure what your “what?” is about… or do you mean that Boies is known for more than just his CNN appearances? If so, I agree. He’s been involved in many high-profile cases over the last ten years.
My biggest problem with today’s Washington Post was “Central New York city” = “Utica”. Oops.
@Martin, it’s “What??” to the editor who nixed the noted name.
I finally got thrown by the bucking bronc of “sober as a judge” nixes Boies the editor, so I move to Rob’s comment.
What’s the Utica oops?
No one’s mentioned that the NYT has the lowest Sunday word count in Will’s history. 128. 130 was the previous low.
URBAN POP threw me, too, and it was my last section to fall. (I had “gonif,” too, but dictionaries assure me I’m the one with an alternative spelling, not the puzzle.)
I thought it was a really blah theme. I raced through the puzzle, but it felt mechanical. Besides, if one recalls one stereotypical putdown of Maleska, it was a fascination with geography lessons.
Different puzzle, but….can anyone explain the “22 types in 11 answers” theme of today’s Newsday puzzle?
Duh…never mind. this was my 7th puzzle today!
Comment removed.
New Yorkers know that Astoria is in Queens, New York.
I’m pretty sure Utica is center of New York State, not City.
Both ARCADIA and ASTORIA are like Springfield in the Simpsons. It’s fun to theorize which one it is but you will never know for sure.
No fewer than 19 states have an Arcadia, and three have two! (Sorry, Dook, but the park is Acadia.) I’m not fond of the Astoria, Queens theory because it drops us to the level of a neighborhood. A neighborhood of a borough of a city — even a neighborhood with four times the population of Astoria, Oregon — strikes me as beneath the theme. But if the constructor is smart, we’ll never know.
You got it right in your first post: the clue says “city,” not “City.” Utica is a city in central New York (state). Interpreting the clue as “Central New York City” wouldn’t make much sense, either, as it is adjectival. “Central New York City” what?
Somehow, I just didn’t “relate” to this puzzle at all, though in retrospect, I’m not sure why. This nit is probably more sour grapes than anything else, but there is no longer any such place as Alma Ata. It is now Almaty. OK, the change is slight, but you might as well say you visited Edo or Constantinople.
Martin, strange as it may seem, Michele and I happened upon the Drina Daisy Bosnian restaurant, in Astoria Ore. on one of our last trips together, when we were contemplating retiring in Portland, Oregon. We watched the wind surfers on the Columbia River, then came across this attractive little place with excellent lamb dishes.
That’s wonderful to know.
LA times crossword today–correction.
Ah Wilderness was written by Thornton Wilder, not Eugene O’Neill.
Are you thinking of Our Town?
“Ah, Wilderness! is a comedy by American playwright Eugene O’Neill that premiered on Broadway at the Guild Theatre on 2 October 1933.”
“Yes, your Wilderness.”
“Yes, your Herbachness.”
“Yes, your Ashwood-Smithness.”
That’s the beauty of these new-fangled intertubes. You don’t have to sit and wonder about stuff anymore.