Muller Music Meta, February

puzzle — 8:10; meta — 3 minutes (Matt) 
(4.06 avg; 9 ratings) rate it


Just Add Sweetener (open)

Season 5, Episode 2 of the Muller Music Meta, here we go: Pete asks us to find a famous song, and where you may want to go when you’re done. Intriguing. Title is: “Just Add Sweetener,” and our five theme entries are:

16-A [Classic song with the line “Take another shot of courage”] = TEQUILA SUNRISE. Rip Glenn Frey, incidentally.

27-A [Song with the line “The walrus was Paul”] = GLASS ONION, off the White Album.

33-A [Rush song whose lyrics paraphrase Shakespeare] = LIMELIGHT.

44-A [Hip-hop song that uses the bass riff from “Under Pressure”] = ICE ICE BABY. Which made a recent appearance in full in a Kameron Collins NYT. And RIP David Bowie.

54-A [1968 Rolling Stones song featuring Keith Richards on vocals] = SALT OF THE EARTH. Don’t think I know this one.

So we’ve got TEQUILA in a GLASS with LIME, ICE (even some extra ICE, if you need it), and SALT. That’s a classic margarita, so you must be hanging with Jimmy Buffett in meta-answer MARGARITAVILLE. And you can “Just Add Sweetener” with the Triple SEC at 36-D.

I like this time of year because we get four Music Metas in about 10 weeks. Now the schedule evens out to one per month, though.


Mystery clue: [A methuselah holds about six of them] = LITERS. A methuselah is a unit of volume? Evidently.

So I’m 2-for-2 in 2016, and with 296 correct answers on the board I bet you are as well. See you back here in a month where we’ll try to make it 3-for-3!

4.05 stars.

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2 Responses to Muller Music Meta, February

  1. Pete Muller says:

    thanks Matt!

    296 correct answers this month, 10 shy of the record.

    A methuselah is a very, very big wine bottle.

  2. Tony says:

    Nice gentle meta for month 2. I kind of had an idea at the start that the answer would be Margaritaville by the “where you may want to go” portion of the instructions, but sometimes metas throw us curveballs.

    It would have been neat to have a theme entry where SALT was removed since Jimmy is constantly searching for it, or possibly having three theme entries with SALT hidden in the answers since we Parrot Heads chant “SALT! SALT! SALT!” when it’s done live.

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