crossword 2:16
meta 0 minutes
meta 0 minutes

- {“I’m Matt Gaffney, professional crossword writer. People often ask me: ‘Matt, where do you get the energy to write all these crosswords?’ And I tell them: ‘A good night’s sleep is important, so you’ll never catch me on any mattress that’s not a ___'”} SERTA.
- {“I also believe in rewarding myself after I’ve polished up a particularly clever crossword. How? More often than not, by polishing off a particularly delicious bowl of ___ ice cream. [Eats spoonful of ice cream] Mmmm!”} EDY’S.
- {“Keeping your creativity up means keeping your inner child thriving. When I’m stuck for an idea, I spend a few minutes tinkering with the ___ set I keep at the office. Makes me feel like a kid again — and hey! I just came up with a new idea!”} LEGO.
- {“Comfort in the office is also key. A crossword writer can’t work unless they’re wearing clothes that look good and feel great [puts feet on desk], which is why I’m so often weaving those words in my favorite pair of ___ jeans.”} LEVI’S.
- {“When it’s time for an afternoon snack, I do what any true crossword writer would — I reach for that sleeve of ___ cookies on my bookshelf. They’re black-and-white, just like crosswords!”} OREO.
- {“When I’m traveling to a crossword puzzle event, I need to show up on time. My fans want to see me — and I want to see them! So I never play taxicab roulette — I always take an ___ to my destination.”} UBER.
- {“And at the end of the workday, I always drive the .71 miles from my office to my home in my sporty, energy-efficient ___. It uses no fossil fuels, so I’m both driving those four minutes in style and comfort, but I’m also reducing my carbon footprint.”} TESLA.
taking the first letters of those seven answers in order gives SELLOUT. since the instructions, it turns out, ask for a seven-letter noun, that’s our answer.
this is an amusing but very easy meta. i hope nobody working on a year-end prize was stymied by this one, even if we were forced to solve it without help!
bits & pieces:
- {“How come you still haven’t…” retort} “I DID”. oh, snap!
- {Milwaukee’s NBA team} BUCKS. please enjoy this clip from last night’s BUCKS-celtics game of giannis antetokounmpo dunking over a defender stationed outside the restricted area. those arms are so long, it’s no wonder they call him “the greek freak”.
- {“___ the candle back” (“Young Frankenstein” line)} PUT.
that’s all i’ve got this week. did you enjoy this one?
Thanks, Joon. 593 right answers. I’ll post a pic of my free new Tesla on Friday.
This reminded me so much of the Way e’s World movie segment where they were over the top about product placement. Nice ease into what I fear will be a 2-fer month for me, based on Matt’s scary announcement of aiming to break streaks!