Grid:15 minutes; Meta: 5 more
Peter Gordon’s Wall Street Journal contest crossword, “Table for Two” — Conrad’s writeup.
This we’re looking for a state motto. There were five long theme entries, each containing AU (the symbol for gold in the periodic table) and AG (silver):
- C(AU)TIONFL(AG): [Yellow signal at Indy]
- (AU)GUST(AG)EORGIA: [Masters setting]
- RUP(AU)LSDR(AG)RACE: [Reality show on which you Lip Sync for Your Life]
- BE(AU)TYP(AG)EANTS: [Gowns with sashes might be worn at them]
- L(AU)NDRYB(AG)S: [Things schlepped to washeterias]
Gold and silver leads to our contest solution Oro y Plata (Spanish for gold and silver), Montana’s state motto. Peter provided a clean and straightforward meta for Thanksgiving weekend. Solvers: please share your thoughts.
Fun one. Notice that the bottom two have a Y between the Au and Ag. Nice additional touch.
I accidentally submitted “Montana” facepalm
Been there.
Definatley a fun meta!! Good work Peter!
Did anyone else submit “Eureka!”? It’s the motto of California.