Saturday, December 14, 2024

LAT tk (Stella) 


Newsday tk (pannonica) 


NYT 7:43 (Kyle)  


Universal tk (Matthew)  


USA Today tk (Matthew) 


WSJ untimed (Eric) 


Patrick Berry‘s got a new challenge this week called “The Blabyrinth.” “The Blabyrinth” is a puzzle extravaganza set in a whimsical fantasy realm of word-based adventure. There are 10 variety puzzles total, including a metapuzzle and a bonus puzzle, all laid out in a handsome PDF. Cost is $15 at Patrick’s A-Frame Games store.

Owen Bergstein’s New York Times crossword – Kyle’s write-up

The New York Times solution grid – Owen Bergstein – Saturday 12/14/2024

Kyle here, filling in for Amy. Quick write-up as I am ready for some shuteye. Congratulations are in order for Owen on their New York Times crossword debut. Highlights: CAST PARTIES with the tricky clue [Post-run celebrations], stacked over GAY MARRIAGE and COTTAGECORE, “EXCUSEZ-MOI“, “IT’S SERIOUS“, CAR CHARGER, SESAME clued as [A little bit of everything?] (as in an everything bagel). Slight deductions in my book for BISMARCK ND (liked the trivia clue, but not a fan of entries that shove in a US state postal code after a city name) and GOSSIPER (is that -er superfluous?).

Did you watch Linda ELLERBEE on Nick News growing up?

Thanks Owen!

David Karp’s Wall Street Journal Puzzle “Cheer Up” — Eric’s review

David Karp’s Wall Street Journal Crossword 12/14/24

David Karp’s Wall Street Journal Crossword 12/14/24 (bottom rows)

Is there a less user-friendly crossword solving interface than the Wall Street Journal‘s? I have trouble imagining one. This being my first time doing a 21X21 WSJ puzzle, I couldn’t figure out how to get a screenshot of a complete grid. Hence, two images.

The somewhat chopped-up grid has four theme answers with circled letters:

  • 21A [Seal in a box, say] ANIMAL CRACKER Nice misdirection in that clue.
  • 45A [NASA project set to launch in 2027, named for the former chief of astronomy] ROMAN TELESCOPE It’s named for Nancy Grace Roman, NASA’s first Chief of Astronomy throughout the 1960s and 1970s. I was unfamiliar with Dr. Roman and her work.
  • 64A [Publication that covers some significant suits?] SPORTS ILLUSTRATED The misdirection was lost on me because by the time I read the clue, I had enough of the answer that I could easily fill in the rest.
  • 90A [Person soon to be a sister, say] SORORITY PLEDGE

The revealer 112A [Oft-hidden holiday toy that can be found four times in this puzzle] ELF ON THE SHELF suggests that the lettergram ELF appears four times, but instead, the circled letters spell shelf-like places where one might “hide” the elf. [Edit: Thanks to Fiend reader placematfan for pointing out that there is an ELF, directly above each “shelf.” That’s a nice touch that must have made the construction much more difficult.]

The longer down slots are fine if not terribly sparkly:

  • 3D [Natalie Wood of “Miracle on 34th Street” and Macaulay Culkin of “Home Alone”] CHILD ACTOR
  • 68D [List of last options?] DESSERT MENU
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3 Responses to Saturday, December 14, 2024

  1. placematfan says:

    WSJ: Eric, did you get that there’s an ELF on each of the four circled “shelves”? Your use of “but instead” made be think it may have slipped by you. :)

  2. huda says:

    NYT: A good Saturday workout. Felt impossible for the longest time. Except for the SW, which fell like a Monday.
    CAR CHARGERS and AKBAR were very helpful to me, but I had to cheat in that SABRES, CEREBRO neighborhood. And a Natick at BSA/AMALA –didn’t know AMALA (my bad) and had no idea what the clue was referring to for BSA (Boy Scouts of America?).
    Loved EXCUSEZ MOI and the clue for SESAME!

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