2025 ORCAS Thanks

Congratulations to all the nominees!

Honorable Mentions for other shortlisted puzzles: “Doctored Figures,” by Drew Schmenner (Universal, March 5), “Circular Reasoning” by Freddie Cheng (Universal, March 15), and Untitled, by Shannon Rapp and Will Eisenberg (NYT, March 25).

If there is anyone from the crossword community that you think should be recognized during the “In Memorium” portion of the ORCAS livestream, please let us know.

This whole endeavor was made possible by tech guru Dave Sullivan and hosting queen, Amy Reynaldo. A giant shoutout to Jared Goudsmit, Emma Oxford, Matthew Gritzmacher, Jack Martin, T Campbell, Katja Brinck, Will Pfadenhauer, Melanie Chernyk, Shannon Rapp, Rich Iurilli, and Quiara Vasquez for being part of the nominating team. Lastly, a huge thanks to all the ORCA livestream participants.

– Rich Proulx, et al.