Saturday, February 8, 2025

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Alina Abidi’s New York Times crossword—Amy’s recap

NY Times crossword solution, 2/8/25 – no/ 0208

I do like themelesses with lots of long entries (but generally not a bunch of 15s). My faves here: BROWN-NOSER, CACAO NIBS, “NOTE TO SELF,” GIN MARTINIS, ONOMATOPOEIA, CHIPS AHOY!, dorm MEAL PLANS, and a PORTOBELLO mushroom (the spellings with one or two A’s are secondary to PORTOBELLO, per Merriam-Webster, not that most restaurant menus pay attention).

Overall, the fill is really smooth. For me, anyway. If you don’t generally know names, this puzzle likely fought you. I wouldn’t be shocked if some folks went for NELMA crossing SAM’S instead of NELLA Larsen and SAL’S Pizza from Do the Right Thing.

Three things:

  • 10D. [Common but often counterproductive response to a recurring problem], ANTI-PATTERN. Never ever heard of it. Here’s a Wikipedia page that slightly dilutes things from the “clear as mud” level to “wow, this water is so turbid that you can’t see a thing through it.” I checked with my software-guy husband aaaand … he’s never heard of anti-pattern, either.
  • 21D. [2010s satirical reality series starring comedian Fielder], NATHAN FOR YOU. I never did watch it, though I’d heard good things about it. Okay, I concede that stacking ANTI-PATTERN and NATHAN FOR YOU together can make their crossings a good bit harder and dissatisfying.
  • 51A. [Teacup], MINI. As in a tiny dog called a teacup Chihuahua, for example.

Four stars from me for my enjoyment level.

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