Tune in to Ben Bass’s Twitch channel Monday night at 8:00 Central for the Orcas award presentation! So many incredible crosswords were published last year, and we want to honor the best of them.
Daniel Grinberg and Rafael Musa’s New York Times crossword, “In the Rearview”—Dave’s recap
I really enjoyed this collaboration–phrases which have a synonym of “backwards” are reinterpreted with the other word in that phrase cluing a word appearing in another phrase literally backwards. Perhaps easier to see with the examples from the grid:
- 23A: [What a tight deadline might require] – QUICK TURNAROUND leading to 30A: [Question leaving a grocery store, perhaps] with RAPID appearing backwards in WHERE DID I PARK ?
- 46a: [Tolerate misbehavior] – LOOK THE OTHER WAY leading to 56A: [Source of some public funding] with GLARE appearing backwards in FEDERAL GRANT – let’s hope there are still some of these left in the current administration!
- 67A: [Totally the wrong way] – ASS BACKWARDS leading to 79A: [It’d be my pleasure] with BOOTY appearing backwards in I’M HAPPY TO OBLIGE
- 91A: [Completely change one’s position] – REVERSE COURSE leading to 104A: [Gift-wrapping supplies] with PATH appearing backwards in SCOTCH TAPE ROLLS – I have a vague recollection from my French classes that the French word for tape (as a verb) is “scotcher” based on this
Nice tight theme set, my only quibble is that LOOK/GLARE and COURSE/PATH aren’t as synonymous as the others, but certainly close enough and perhaps needed to be able to appear in phrases backwards.
I thought the fill was also very smooth–QUEER BAIT (I guess based on “click bait”) was inferable but new to me (and I’m in their target audience); I learned that Scarlett Johansson, Rami Malek and Vin Diesel are all TWINs and that ELEVENTY (clued as [110, facetiously]) is a thing! Hope you all have a nice ME DAY today and see you next week!