Saturday, March 1, 2025

LAT 2:59 (Stella) 


Newsday tk (pannonica) 


NYT 5:30 (Amy) 


Universal tk (Matthew) 


USA Today tk (Matthew) 


WSJ tk (pannonica) 


Curiously Quirky Word Searches, by Trip Payne

Book rec from Amy: Trip Payne’s Curiously Quirky Word Searches, a collection of variety word searches whose extra angles ramp up the challenge level. A list of written works, and the answers to find are the authors’ names—that’s one puzzle. Find the US presidents’ surnames, given only the letter counts (two have 10 letters, eight have 5 letters, and so on). If you’re like me, you’ll find these puzzles absorbing. Order it from your favorite indie bookstore!

Ryan Judge’s New York Times crossword—Amy’s recap

NY Times crossword solution, 3/1/25 – no. 0301

Fun puzzle tonight. Heck, 1-Down SASHAY welcomed me most genially, as I paused Drag Race to tackle the crossword.

Fave fill: SALT-FREE seasonings, such as the handy blends from Penzey’s Spices (my favorites are Bavarian and Singapore). ATAHUALPA, with Inca in the clues for a change. STREET FAIR, the season is nigh. POT BROWNIES, RULE OF THUMB, and BACON STRIPS stacked in the middle. SIMON SAYS don’t forget your GALOSHES. BANSHEE! WHIRLPOOL and CHIN-UPS.

Two more things:

  • 30A. [___ Aran, protagonist in Nintendo’s Metroid], SAMUS. This, like a zillion Mario and Zelda characters, is a name I learned from video game quizzes on I honestly have no idea what sort of game Metroid is, mind you.
  • EPA is clued with the word “green,” while IRS is said to have collectors. Welp, one is getting less green by the day, while the other is currently down 7,000 employees.

Four stars from me.

Ed Sessa’s Los Angeles Times crossword — Stella’s write-up

Los Angeles Times 3/1/25 by Ed Sessa

Los Angeles Times 3/1/25 by Ed Sessa

Gotta be super quick on this one and say that PAWTERNITY LEAVE and FOREVER CHEMICAL as marquee entries felt of the moment in a good way.

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1 Response to Saturday, March 1, 2025

  1. MattF says:

    NYT was a very slow start, but finished in average time, somewhat to my surprise. Made a big clockwise circle ending up at 1 Across.

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