Thursday, March 6, 2025

LAT tk (Gareth) 


NYT 5:14 (ZDL) 


Universal tk (Sophia) 


USA Today tk (Emily) 


BEQ tk (Eric) 


WSJ 5:28 (Jim) 


Fireball tk (Jenni) 


Jeff Stillman’s Wall Street Journal crossword, “A Little Bit Shy”—Jim’s review

Theme answers are familiar phrases that (mostly) indicate something is a little less than full. Playing on this theme, the answers themselves are all missing their last letters.

Wall St Journal crossword solution · “A Little Bit Shy” · Jeff Stillman · Thu., 3.6.25

  • 17a. [Dimwitted, or what this answer is] NOT ALL THER.
  • 27a. [Teacher’s allocation, or what this answer has] PARTIAL CREDI.
  • 44a. [Failing to meet expectations, or what this answer is] COMING UP SHOR.
  • 60a. [Lionel Richie song, or what this answer has] ENDLESS LOV.

Cute. I suspected the gimmick after reading the title and the first entry bore it out. That last entry though is not consistent with the others. Maybe the pun was impossible to resist and/or maybe a fourth suitable entry couldn’t be found. I’m fine giving the puzzle some leeway, but I would’ve preferred a consistent set.

Lots of Xs in the long fill: DOT MATRIX and TAX EXEMPT. Plus, the land of CARE-A-LOT and HOGSHEAD. I got a little bit hung up when I put in “IT HURT” instead of “I’M HURT” for the clue [“That was really uncalled for”], but I see now the correct answer makes more sense than mine.

Clue of note: 31d. [Gauntlet, in metaphor]. DARE. Feels a little incomplete, yeah? The act of “throwing down the gauntlet” is the DARE, not just the gauntlet itself. And why do we “run the gauntlet” anyway? (Wikipedia has the answer.)

3.5 stars.

Kiran Pandey’s New York Times crossword — Zachary David Levy’s write-up

Difficulty: Personal best (5m14s)

Kiran Pandey’s New York Times crossword, 3/6/25, 0306

Today’s theme: play it again, Sam

  • BORNBORN (presumably “born again”)
  • NATURENATURE (presumably “second nature”)
  • CARBONCARBON (presumably “carbon copy”)
  • DOWNDOWN (presumably “double down”)

I think I’m missing something.  I’m inferring the theme phrases (“presumably” above) because they don’t seem to be referenced in the puzzle, as far as I can tell.  I also don’t see a revealer, and there are other entries in the grid that hint at twins (YOKEd pairs, DUBS, etc.), though I could certainly be seeing illusory theme content (CHIMERAs, appropriately enough).  There are an inordinate number of long downs here as well (6 non-theme entries of 10-11 letters), which further makes me think I’m blind to some other aspect of the puzzle, but I’ll leave it to you guys to set me straight in the comments.

CrackingALY RAISMAN, the smirk heard round the world

Slacking: HITLER used to appear in the puzzle more often than you’d think, but sensibilities about what names belong in a puzzle have changed, and his name stopped appearing in the mid-1980s.  Even Idi AMIN seems to have been retired about five years ago.. hence my surprise at seeing murderous drug lord EL CHAPO in today’s grid

Sidetracking: the SUNKEN PLACE


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3 Responses to Thursday, March 6, 2025

  1. Dan says:

    ZDL: “the theme phrases … don’t seem to be referenced in the puzzle.”

    Sure they are, referring to the second instance:

    17A [Like one with renewed beliefs] = (RE)BORN.

    30A [Tying one’s shoes, e.g., for most people] = (SECOND) NATURE.

    48A [Exact replica] = CARBON (COPY).

    63A [Strengthen one’s commitment] = (DOUBLE) DOWN.

    • Martin says:

      I agree that the clues are all the reveal we need.

      I got a laugh thinking about the dupe haters and how they’d react. It’s probably a bit much to say Will is trolling them, right?

  2. Quiara says:

    On the USA Today: is a PIZZA BAGEL actually “fusion food?” Do we want to live in the world where we call English muffin pizza “Anglo-Italian fusion cuisine” ???

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