Before we get to today’s puzzles, a quick note to promote AVCX’s subscription drive! (Note of transparency: I (Nate) am an editor at AVCX Cryptics and have also joyfully published crosswords with other branches of AVCX.)
AVCX is a phenomenal indie puzzle outlet that offers fun, fresh, and engaging crosswords (themed, themeless, midi, and cryptic!) and trivia on a weekly basis. This winter, AVCX is reorganizing to become fully independent, and we’re working to add 1,000 new solvers by January 1. We’re well on our way, but would love to include you, too!
If you’re not yet subscribed, check out the AVCX membership options. The tiered system allows you to choose from different prices for an annual subscription depending on what you want to / can pay. If you already subscribe – thank you! Feel free to take advantage of the new tiered pricing options when your next renewal comes around.
As part of the subscription, there is also now a web-based solving interface, where you can tackle current and archived puzzles. Try some sample puzzles here!
Sign up today for lively, current, polished puzzles with vibes that mainstream publications cannot match by many of today’s top constructors. Searching for a fantastic holiday gift for your word puzzle-obsessed friend or loved one? Look no further!
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Another puzzle plug: Sunday evening is the deadline for the Kickstarter for Peter Gordon’s Fireball Newsflash Crosswords. The subscription pledge is $18 for a year of newsy puzzles, arriving every two or three weeks.
Okay, now onto our Sunday puzzles:
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