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Note from Amy: Hey, folks. I can’t guarantee I won’t get bounced back to the hospital, but I’m cautiously optimistic that I’ll be popping in to write about puzzles at something close to my prior schedule. It’s good to be back(ish)! I’m planning to write up the AV Club Classic on Wednesday unless someone beats me to it.
There may be some upcoming log-in changes here at Crossword Fiend to provide a better experience for commenters who aren’t keen on making personal attacks or being attacked personally. I apologize for the inconvenience Tuesday afternoon and in the future, and for any obscenities you’ve run into before they were deleted.
Apologies, everyone. I was slated to handle the NYT last night but I completely conked out and slept through. Write-up forthcoming this morning! —pann
Note: No BEQ, Fireball or WSJ puzzles due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a wonderful holiday and please eat responsibly.
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