Portrait of Peter Gordon drawn by his daughter and screenshotted from his Kickstarter video without permission. (It’s a cute video!)
Do you like puzzles of roughly Tuesday to Wednesday NYT difficulty? Do you like to keep up with current events? Do you perhaps compete in trivia contests and so you could use a little boost in remembering the names in the news? Peter Gordon’s Newsflash crosswords are for you.
For as little as a $6 pledge (or more if you’d like to receive things like crossword books or a Fireball Crosswords baseball cap), you’ll get 20 topical puzzles, sent roughly every other week.
The Kickstarter deadline is this Saturday, so check it out quickly! These are not tough Peter Gordon puzzles like the Fireball, so don’t be daunted. They’re fun daily-size crosswords and I do them to attempt to stay competitive in Learned League trivia.