crossword 3:09
meta 3 days
meta 3 days

- {Everything bagel stuff} SESAME SEEDS.
- {Whiskey since 1780} JAMESON.
- {Utterly botched} MADE A MESS OF.
- {Like Mimi Tran and Scotty Nguyen, by birth} VIETNAMESE.
- {Like some relationships} SAME-SEX. this crosses JAMESON at the E in the center of the grid.
- {Bar parts} EXAM ESSAYS. i’m not 100% sold on this being a thing. ESSAY EXAMS, yes.
these six answers all contain a hidden AMES, the very-familiar-to-crossworders town where IOWA STATE has its campus, so that’s the meta answer.
this is week 2, admittedly in a five-friday month—but i found this to be unmissably easy, considerably easier than last week’s week 1 that 579 of 579 solvers got correct. not that that was a bad thing—i was out of town this weekend, so i was grateful for the easy puzzle even given the extra day to solve it.
odds & ends from the fill:
- {Side dish, often (abbr.)} VEG. on sunday i had dinner at a restaurant called VEGZ. the food was absolutely delicious and the prices were shockingly low relative to the neighborhood, but i contend that the name of the restaurant is terrible. you shouldn’t name your business something unpronounceable.
- {Cereal with a grammatically incorrect apostrophe} OH’S. this is a tricky one, since the apostrophe is called for when pluralizing a single letter such as O’S. there’s also this song, which … i don’t know. is that wrong?
- {“Of course,” in Oaxaca} CLARO. i’ve only ever seen this clued as a cigar. is this the spanish equivalent of “clearly”?
- {Dead meat on a stick} TOAST. well actually i’m pretty sure that’s a kebab. toast is bread that’s been browned in a toaster.
that’s all for me. hope you all found this one as straightforward as i did!
I had never heard of the cereal but a little sleuthing indicates that Post dropped the apostrophe and added an exclamation mark several years ago — although some retailers still use the apostrophe.
I tried to be creative making TOAST work too. KABOB is correct.
In addition to ‘kabob’, I think ‘roast’ is also fitting, not sure which is better. But I AM sure, to the extent that I’m sure of anything these days, that ‘toast’ is not fitting. I’d love to hear Matt’s excuse, er, I mean EXPLANATION, for that.
As for everyone that got this in lightning speed, one of my favorite truism’s applies: the challenge is not so much to appreciate the merits of the name of the college town as a proxy for the name of the school, but TO THINK OF IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. That was for me a new concept, and it took me a bit to think of it. I therefore judged it an easier but still solid week 2 effort, although I saw on the leaderboard that I’m in the clear minority on that.
to be clear: i was being facetious about KEBAB in my original post. “dead meat on a stick” is a valid clue for TOAST in the slangy sense of somebody who’s a goner.
Thanks, Joon, ‘goner’ did not occur to me, but it does fit.
I was worried for a split-second when I saw AMES on SESAME SEEDS that, “Okay…but there’s no Ames University, right?” But, then I recalibrated. This just makes me a hair daunted for Level 3, but I’m still ready for the challenge (I hope!). Colleges are definitely a category to work on for “Jeopardy! purposes,” including opera, rivers, Shakespeare, and a whole panoply of others.
Also, bonus shout-out to you, Matt, for the WSJ – that was another work-of-art with some great aha’s along the way.
When I saw the everything bagel / sesame seeds at 17A, I was wondering for a moment we were about to get a rehash of MGWCC #144‘s EVERYWHERE BAGEL, but fortunately the similarities ended there and we got a completely different puzzle.
Not sure why it took 3 days when you said it was pretty easy and you are so good. Typo?
oops, yeah. it took more like 3 seconds.
I wanted the {Dead meat on a stick} to be ROAST but it didn’t work with the across.
Okay, long time Meta solver, but when the fill is so convoluted or obscure to a point that I have Google everything, I get frustrated and give up. That’s how I feel about this one. I am very familiar with Ames, Iowa, and was excited for the College theme. The long fill was fine, but the rest was awkward and not fun. I never even thought about the Meta. I just threw in the towel, because it wasn’t fun for me. Peace.