MGWCC #853

crossword 2:47 
meta 0:10 


hello, and welcome to episode #853 of matt gaffney’s weekly crossword contest, a week 1 puzzle called “Drinking Game”. what are the theme answers?

  • {The other way around} VICE VERSA.
  • {Star of 2005’s “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story”} VINCE VAUGHN.
  • {TikTok successes} VIRAL VIDEOS.
  • {When some say “nay!”} VOICE VOTE.

as you can see, these are all two-word phrases with initials VV. there are no other V’s in the grid, so we have 8 V’s in total. the title suggests a drink, which is therefore V8, supposedly named after the eight vegetable used in it. definitely a week 1 meta. the instructions, which i have just looked at, ask for a non-alcoholic drink brand. yep, that checks.

this meta tickled my spidey-sense that perhaps V8 has been the answer to a previous meta, but i have done some searching and all i can find is mgwcc #542, which was also beverage-related, in which V8 was a step along the way, but not itself the answer to the meta. perhaps that is the one that i was hazily remembering.

that’s all i’ve got this week. how’d you all find this one?

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9 Responses to MGWCC #853

  1. Mikey G says:

    I could’ve had a Gaffney meta!

    By complete coincidence, V8 was the answer to a summer meta of mine (only Vs were 8 Vs in squares 8 through 78, along with the 8 vegetables scattered near the V-related clues).

    Either way, I love metas from my head tomatoes!

  2. Seth Cohen says:

    This took me way too long to figure out. I googled drink brands that started with V, lists of drink brands, etc, and I couldn’t find anything. I thought at first it’d be a two-word VV brand. Finally saw V8 on a list, but it was many websites before that popped up. Odd, you’d think V8 would be right at the top of these lists.

    • joon says:

      amazing—i don’t think i was thinking of that puzzle, but i had totally forgotten about it despite my “featured artist” credit on the byline (which i had totally forgotten and was a little worried when i saw the blog subhead WHAT DID JOON DO?). it does ring a bell now that i am reading about it again.

  3. Matt Gaffney says:

    Thanks, joon — just 483 right answers this week, so a missable Week 1. Tester thought “vanilla vodka” was too close of a thing for comfort so we made the prompt exclude that.

    • Maggie W. says:

      And as I mentioned in my comment to Matt, I happened upon “Virgin Vodka,” which is made by the Virgin company but is, in fact, alcoholic!

    • anna g says:

      i’m glad the non-alcoholic thing was there because Vinho Verde would have worked real well as an answer for me

  4. jae says:

    I screwed up and made this way too difficult for week one. I typically print out the puz file and jot down the instructions in the margin. When I picked it up during the weekend to do the puzzle I saw that I had written “Alcoholic Drink Brand” as the instructions. I finished the puzzle and spent a fair amount of time googling VV alcoholic drinks. When I googled to see if V8 made an alchopop drink it finally occurred to me that I may have made a transcription error…yep I did.

  5. John says:

    I spent a little time on this. A ‘non-alcoholic drink’ usually implies a drink that is normally associated with beer or cocktails but lacks the booze. And the themes seemed to point, to me, to you’re looking for the V/V pairs seen in the meta themes, not needing to add them all together. In retrospect i see how the prompt required that wording.

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