Erik Agard’s New York Times crossword—Amy’s write-up
It’s been a rough day. Lost a wonderful friend-inside-the-computer today (not to COVID-19 but still a shock), a crossworder and a Cubs fan and an editor. And I’m scared for a close relative who works in a hospital and is taking on serious risks to do her job of keeping sick babies alive. I’m in no mood for blogging, honestly.
Liked most of the fill of 8+ letters, especially STILETTO HEELS, “IT’S RAINING MEN,” PAIN MED (but not the clue, because how many pain meds at the pharmacy are actually “number”s?), PALEOLITHIC DIET, TRAVEL MUG, and RECONNECT. Had to fight my way through 37a. [Native name for the Iroquois Confederacy], HAUDENOSAUNEE. (If this name was new to you, too, it behooves you to at least skim this informational Smithsonian document. Lacrosse! The “three sisters” of corn, squash, and beans!) The S crossing stymied me for a bit; 30d. [Shoe size specification], MEN’S? Pfft. There was also the matter of the final E, where we had 47a and 38d as cross-referenced clues with no hint that they’re both abbreviated (INTerior and EXTerior). Tough crossings for sure.
Also tough: 57a. [Kind of wind across the Aegean], ETESIAN. I thought I knew my interesting wind words but this one eluded me.
re: 1a, I don’t HOP A CAB, I grab a cab, hop in a cab, or hop a bus or train. Does HOP A CAB ring true to you?
3.75 stars from me. Wash your hands and keep your distance!
Martina Waluk’s Universal crossword — “Phone Trouble” — Jim Q’s review
Phone trouble and bad connections. It’s why I can never have a conversation on my cell at my house in UPSTATE New York.
THEME: Theme answers each have a “BAD” connection in that the word BAD is hidden in them.

Universal crossword solution · Martina Waluk · “Phone Trouble” · Sat., 03.28.20
- 18A [*Doing some underwater exploration] SCUBA DIVING.
- 3D [*Surfing spot?] WEB ADDRESS.
- 28D [*Clean nursery rhyme opening?] RUB A DUB DUB.
- 52A [Telecom company’s concern, or a hint to each starred answer’s hidden word “connection”] DROPPED CALL.
Hmmm. Took me a solid minute to make the connection between the revealer and the rest of the themers post-solve. The actual revealer, DROPPED CALL, seems a bit too far removed from what’s actually happening. The revealer should be BAD CONNECTION. DROPPED CALL makes me think either 1) The word CALL is going south out of the theme answers (but that can’t be the case here since two of the themers are already vertical) or 2) The word CALL is being omitted from a base phrase and wackiness ensues. When the actual revealer is in a (somewhat awkwardly worded) clue, it doesn’t land like it should.
Everything else felt on par though! GOOD SQUAD was fun! Also, I’m never sure how to use the word UPSTATE. Supposedly, I live in UPSTATE New York, but that’s not an accurate descriptor imo. I’m quite far “downstate” on the border of NJ and PA. I don’t think it’s fair that UPSTATE means anything that’s not NYC. But if that’s the worst of my complaints today, then I’m a happy fella.
2.3 stars. Revealer just doesn’t do its job.
Patrick Blindauer’s Wall Street Journal crossword, “Old MacDonald Had a Cinema” — pannonica’s write-up
Movie titles punned up with animal onomatopoeia.
- 23a. [Movie that features jerseys and cow catchers?] THE BAD MOOS BEARS (The Bad News Bears, a baseball flick). As you can see, the clues will be vying for a Best Supporting Role award.
- 42a. [Movie about dogs that hustle, with “The”?] COLOR RUFF MONEY (The Color of Money, vastly inferior sequel to The Hustler). Crossing RUFF is 32d [Pound sound] ARF—too intrusive of the theme, or welcome bonus content?
- 71a. [Movie musical that floats pigs’ boats?] OINKERS AWAY (Anchors Away! – a naval revue (54d [Introspective study] SELF)).
- 96a. [Movie about horses that’s sure to stirrup some emotions?] THE NEIGH WE WERE (The Way We Were, a nostalgia-ridden tearjerker).
- 121a. [Movie musical with the song “We Welcome Ewe to Munchkinland”?) THE WIZARD OF BAAS (The Wizard of Oz, fun fact: the snow was asbestos flakes).
- 17d. [Movie about a cat fight in Vietnam?] APOCALYPSE MEOW (Apocalypse Now, a war film).
- 49d. [Movie that features Marxist ducks?] ANIMAL QUACKERS (Animal Crackers, an exemplary Marx brothers ANARCHIC (89d) farce. They also made Duck Soup.)
Not super-thrilled with the theme, but it’s solid enough. Some inconsistencies: two of the puns are attributive (OINKERS and QUACKERS), two are plurals (MOOS and BAAS), one title (42a) loses the definite article, which necessitates a “With ‘The'” stipulation in the clue. Whether these are significant enough to affect your solving experience or appreciation of the theme is up to you.
For your perusal, here is a Wikipedia page listing animal sounds, and here’s another which compares them in different languages—something that fascinates me.
More animals!
- 1a [Bouillabaisse bit] MUSSEL.
- 21a [Brand name in the freezer section] OTTER POP.
- 25a [“___ a Rainy Night” (Eddie Rabbitt song)] I LOVE.
- 30a [Reddish-brown horses] SORRELS.
- 41a [Atticus Finch’s creator] LEE.
- 94a [Bird in Liberty Mutual ads] EMU.
- 101a [Setting of many schools] SEA.
- 106a [Mischievous moppet] URCHIN.
- 1d [Pound picks] MUTTS.
- 36d [Divine cowherd of Hinduism] KRISHNA.
- 67d [Updated one’s followers, perhaps] TWEETED. Non-theme onomatopoeia.
- 79d [ __ Benson Miller of CBS’s “The Unicorn”] OMAR.
- 108d [Gathering of moles?] INTEL.
With so many, some obviously gratuitous, I can’t help but think it was an intentional effort on the part of the constructor and/or editor. But why oh why then did they go with Siddhartha for the Herman HESSE clue (107d) when Steppenwolf is equally well-known?
- 51a [Perform on the streets] BUSK. Merriam-Webster suggests it derives Spanish buscar, to seek.
- 75a [Wife, in Wiesbaden] FRAU. Ya know, it’s also German for ‘woman’.
- 69d [Mold on the beach] PAIL. Having persistent trouble not parsing this in an ICKIER (35a) way.
- 73d [Assuage] SOOTHE. First tried SOLACE, then SOFTEN.
- 93d [Service station, of a sort] TEA TABLE. Great clue.
- 60d [Half an infamous duo] CLYDE.
Doug Peterson & Brad Wilber’s LA Times crossword – Derek’s write-up

LAT 02/28/2020
This puzzle could have been a Stumper, I suppose, with harder clueing, but everything in here is so smooth that it functions just fine as an LAT Saturday puzzle. I am curious, as is usually the case, as to who did what on these themeless puzzles. Whoever did what, they did a great job! This was a fun puzzle, even though I found it not too challenging. There was plenty of interesting stuff in here to amuse the solver! 4.3 stars today.
Some of that interesting stuff:
- 1A [“Play it cool”] “ACT NATURAL” – Great casual phrase.
- 10D [Sharp-sighted] LYNX-EYED – New word to me! I have never been called that, so that might say something about me …
- 15A [One of a set of faddish toys that at its peak made up 10% of all eBay sales] BEANIE BABY – I was a UPS driver during this craze. It was terrible. I was literally getting chased down in my truck! Are there any millionaires out there from the Beanie Baby fad?
- 32A [Honeycomb holder] CEREAL BOX – One of the three great clues I found in this puzzle. I’ve been watching The Food That Built America (on the History Channel), and part of it deals with Kellogg and Post cereals. Honeycomb is a Post cereal, I believe.
- 39A [Swiss city with suburbs in Germany and France] BASEL – It is right there on the border of all three countries. I was going to post a map here, but it was too confusing. Look it up yourself!
- 58A [Aids in coping with pressure?] SPACE SUITS – This is great clue #2. Nicely done!
- 4D [Peoria-to-Green Bay dir.] NNE – I live near here, and I still didn’t know this answer. I have been to both cities!
- 11D [Lily family flower] TULIP – I did not know this!
- 12D [Theft not involving money or merchandise] STOLEN BASE – This is great clue #3, and since it is sports related I might like it the best! Baseball should have started by now. Agony!
- 27D [“Summertime Sadness” hitmaker] LANA DEL REY – I am embarrassed that I filled this in with no crossings.
- 49D [Liverpudlian, e.g.] BRIT – This describes someone from Liverpool, which was heading for the Premier League title this year, but who knows what will happen now.
I’ll stop there. I have jigsaw puzzles to do!
Matthew Sewell’s Newsday crossword, “Saturday Stumper” – Derek’s write-up

Newsday 03/28/2020
Sorry for the slight delay today, but I had to update my macOS, which took longer than I expected. I finally got a decent time on a Sewell puzzle! I actually thought I might break 10 minutes, but it got a a little tough in the last little bit, which ironically was the NW corner. But I am still wildly happy with this time. Maybe the self-isolation is helping my solving! 4.4 stars for this puzzle.
Some interesting stuff:
- 17A [Flaubert protg] MAUPASSANT – This clue should read [Flaubert protégé]. I checked this on the Newsday site today, and it says the same thing. This is either an error or a new word that I don’t know!
- 20A [What Mexicans call ”tigres”] JAGUARS – So in Mexico sports do they speak of the Jacksonville Tigres? Will we ever have sports again? The Indy 500 is the latest to be postponed; Indianapolis has a huge breakout and are under a travel warning, meaning only essential travel is allowed.
- 37A [Guard duty] WATCHES – This entry is a noun, although it feels like it should be a verb.
- 45A [Call routing system] PHONE TREE – I had the TREE part, but I struggled with the obvious part of this answer!
- 62A [Plays for time] TEMPORIZES – Similar to the word extemporaneous, but not quite the same. Both based on the Latin word for time, but slightly different applications.
- 5D [Agcy. with a globe-and-wing seal] FAA – Yup, that’s what it is!
- 23D [IMAX screen illumination] ARC LIGHT – I haven’t been to an IMAX theater in quite a while. That streak is going to continue for a little bit …
- 29D [Target alternative] KOHL’S – I am also not going to Kohl’s anytime soon! I can dress like a slob in my own house! At least until it is time to FaceTime or Zoom, then I have to clean up!
- 33D [Baby monitor brand with a big-eyed logo] OWLET – I have had three children, but I don’t know this brand. Never used these devices much; our children were always too close to us!
- 53D [USDA drink category] ADES – Is this for real? This is a real thing??
Everyone have a great weekend, stay safe and healthy, and hang in there!
E.A. is a great puzzle maker.
Thought the Stumper would be tough as usual but it fell quickly. Dredging up MAUPASSANT and HABITUE iced the NW and SW.
LAT Fridays and Saturdays are good puzzles.
That NYT puzzle was great, a high bar as always for erik.
But those final crossings with the 2 film abbrs., not cool. Didn’t finish here. I really had no way to guess out those last two letters outside of running the alphabet. Very cool to learn, and always appreciate that. But really frustrating to work out that final bit.
Me too. Pleased to get the rest of it, but unfinishable for me.
INT EXT (since I didn’t know HAUDENOSAUNEE) – I figured PAN had to have a film insider INN that I didn’t know so I looked elsewhere for too long for my “error”, not having GSIX either (GSIE seemed a perfectly OK unknown acronym on a fast pass). INT EXT opposites? Well they are different but oh well
I did this after finishing Yesterday’s New Yorker, back to back Erik for me!
I don’t know if I like NUMBER, but I am really harsh judging medical and science semi-made-up stufffffff, so I’ll give it a pass because it clearly worked and I didn’t ‘get’ it until later
I agree. EXT and INT was the low point of the puzzle and could’ve been clued differently.
Yes, I hop a cab. (New Yorker since 1972)
Amy – 52-A had me scratching my head until I parsed the clue as “things that numb,” which I thought was clever. Not sure if this is how most pain meds work, but it seemed close enough for a casual reference.
It’s not (they tend to block cell signaling molecules involved in inflammation), but wow, that’s a hell of a clue when you put it that way.
It was never clear to me that the Tuscaroras were part of the Six Nations. Thank you, Amy, for the link. Their reservation was in Niagara County and they all went to Niagara Wheatfield High School and led that school to over 100 consecutive wrestling meet wins. One of the other Iroquois nations was in the Buffalo area and led its high school to over 100 consecutive wins as well. My friends and I used to go to an annual party for all the tribes and I can remember hearing comments about whether the Tuscaroras really belonged.
The Senecas laid claim (ultimately unsuccessful) to Grand Island because there was no federal approval for the sale of that island to New York State.
Very tough puzzle for me.
Universal: 24d Is there really any legitimate use of an “s” on Euro? I thought I learned that Euro is used for both singular and plural.
Originally “euro” was the singular and plural, but now “euros” is officially recognized and recommended for English use, particularly for communication with the general public.
Stumper: Can someone explain 57d? The only emo I know of started in Washington, D.C. Also, since when is Reese a nickname for anything?
That got me, too. How are Reese and Tess related?
The word ’emo’ is hidden in ‘Cremona.’ The Stumper seems to have at least one of these cryptic-style clues every week now.
Can’t help you on ‘Tess’ and ‘Reese’ though. No idea what the connection is supposed to be.
Regarding Cremona, I should have seen that.
As for the nickname, I see how you could get Reese from Teresa, but I haven’t found examples of anyone actually doing that. I feel like this might be something the author is familiar with but almost no one else is.
Tess & Reese are both nicknames for Theresa.
NYT was brutal but I muscled my way through it, across three sittings. INT/EXT wasn’t the problem for me — I got that for some reason. It was EITHEROR / ATOI (again with the French) and HTS, which I am Googling as soon as I post this. Working around those was tough until I broke through on SOLOACT. Sigh. 42:05 for me, but it was really more like 6 hours.
Two tough Ohio geography answers in the NYT today —
Cleveland Heights (postal abbreviation HTS) is a neighboring city to Cleveland. I grew up in the area and this still took me forever to figure out. Not sure how well-known it is nationally, but my guess is “not very.”
Lima is a small town in NW Ohio. Nice misdirection since the obvious 4-letter answer would of course be PERU.
HTS was the first thing I filled in. But in retrospect, I wonder if I was fortuitously confusing it with the more well-known Shaker Hts, which I think is a relatively upscale part of Cleveland.