meta 0:15

each SIX-PACK necessarily entails two stacked answers containing the same letter three times in a row. that’s not something you see every day. (there are also three stacked answers containing merely a doubled letter reading in the other direction, but that’s much less noteworthy.) in order, those triple-letter answers are:
- {Former Arizona congressman who’s currently serving as U.S. ambassador to Turkey} JEFF FLAKE and {Playing poorly, to Brits} OFF-FORM.
- {Like a kid who’s 13 and wants to play Little League} TOO OLD and {Encourage to leave the house, as a fly} SHOO OUT.
- {Guilty party, one-sixth of the time} MISS SCARLET (the guilty suspect in clue) and {Instrument for Colin Stetson} BASS SAX. not familiar with colin stetson, but nevertheless this went into the grid with no crossings because what else could it be?
- {Subject of the February 2022 Hulu documentary “Let the World See”} EMMETT TILL and {Former Rolling Stone journalist who now has the 4th-highest number of paid subscribers on Substack} MATT TAIBBI.
- {“Got a visual on those guys?”} SEE ‘EM? and {Thai noodle dish} PAD SEE EW. that’s a creative way to clue SEE ‘EM, which is usually a partial, and there’s a bit of fancy stepping involved in writing a fill-in-the-blank clue from “i call ’em like i see ’em” without duplicating the ‘EM. the noodle dish, on the other hand, is both an elegant find and quite tasty.
- {Publication that imperiled the Clinton White House} STARR REPORT and {Utterance rarely heard in summer} BRRR. unless you’re somewhere indoors and over-air-conditioned… which is a lot of places, in my experience.
- {Body of water off Antarctica that is not named for a “Friends” character} ROSS SEA and {Couturier’s concern} DRESS SIZE. i looked it up, and it turns out the ROSS SEA is actually named after susan ross, george’s fiancée from seinfeld.
so that’s a very constrained theme, both in terms of sheer amount of material and the requirement that they be in those 2×3 stacks. hence the 21×21 grid size this week. overall, the puzzle was definitely easy enough for a week 1 and pleasant enough to solve, but after the initial aha, there was just a whole lot of crossword left and not much in the way of surprise theme-wise. it’s a nice touch that matt got SIX-PACK in there, although the puzzle would not have been much harder without it—those triple-letter combos are pretty eye-catching. but its inclusion tied the whole beer theme together neatly.
a couple of things that caught my eye from the fill:
- {Hook used to catch fish (also a nickname of mine as a kid)} GAFF. you sure they weren’t calling you GAFFE? kids can be so cruel.
- {Spanish soccer great} XAVI. now here’s a name i don’t remember seeing in crosswords before. but XAVI was an amazing player for both spain and barcelona, and although he just retired as a player quite recently, he’s back in barcelona as the manager (“coach”) and having quite some success.
- {All-consonant spelling that’s a counterpart to “boi”} GRL. i don’t think i’ve seen this in the wild. GRRL, yes. maybe even GRRRL (although i would’ve looked askance at that if matt had used in for the R six-pack in the theme).
that’s all i’ve got this week. how’d you all like this one?
Thanks, Joon — 673 correct answers this week (and only 5 incorrect, so a true Week 1).
I’m dying to know the wrong answers people came up with.
Nice “research” on the true person the Ross Sea is named after!
It’s obvious now, but I never associated sixpack with the answer. I did think it was clued oddly “you’ll need several of them today”. I should have associated that with the answer, but already seeing all the sixpacks of letters and being a week 1 I don’t think it helped in getting the meta.
{Body of water off Antarctica that is not named for a “Friends” character} ROSS SEA and {Couturier’s concern} DRESS SIZE. I looked it up, and it turns out the ROSS SEA is actually named after Susan Ross, George’s fiancée from Seinfeld.
*****CHEF’S KISS*****
> and it turns out the ROSS SEA is actually named after susan ross …
My reaction: oh wow, that’s great! I didn’t know that was named after a woman!
> … george’s fiancée from seinfeld.
Oh joon, you little devil ;). (I’ve watched the show and remembered her first name was Susan, but didn’t know her last name so it didn’t jump out at me.)
The Ross Sea is actually named for Marion Ross from Happy Days. Wasn’t she called Mrs. Sea?
Ha ha!