There’s just over a week left on Hayley Gold/Lone Shark Games’ Kickstarter for the crossword-laden graphic novel, Letters to Margaret! A whole bunch of stretch goals have already been hit, so there are lots of extras that will go to the backers. The next stretch goal is at $36,000 and it’ll add cartoon crosswords by Patrick Merrell, who is skilled in both puzzle-making and cartooning. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished book and playing with the extras later this year.—Amy
Puzzle fans, rejoice! Patrick Berry’s got a new puzzle extravaganza for sale at his website. Nine variety puzzles along the lines of the ones he publishes in the Saturday WSJ, plus a wacky “Anything Goes” crossword as a bonus. $15 for hours of brainy fun, with $5 of each purchase going to COVID relief. This is one of those “shut up and take my money!” situations, if you ask me. Enjoy!—Amy