LAT 5:43 (Gareth)
The New Yorker 4:02 (Matthew)
NYT 4:34 (Amy)
WSJ 6:51 (Jim P)
Universal untimed (pannonica)
USA Today 4:12 (Sophia)
AVCX untimed (Ben)
New Crossword Fundraiser! If you’re like me and the crossword highlights on Monday are the themelesses (New Yorker and BEQ), don’t miss out on Sid Sivakumar’s set of four wide-open themeless puzzles. Simply donate $10 or more to aid Afghan women and girls, forward your email receipt to Sid, and he’ll email you the puzzles in .puz/.pdf forms. I just solved #1 and it was tougher than a Friday NYT but not by too much. (I not so secretly hope the other three are harder.) The details and an annotated list of organizations to donate to are at the Sid’s Grids site.